I am trying to construct a ScalarMap with a null value as one or both of the
parameters passed in to ScalarMap(ScalarType scalar, DisplayRealType
display_scalar). I tried commenting out the following code in the ScalarMap
if (scalar == null && needNonNullScalar) {
throw new DisplayException("ScalarMap: scalar is null");
if (display_scalar == null) {
throw new DisplayException("ScalarMap: display_scalar is null");
However, I will get a null pointer later in that constructor if "scalar" or
"display_scalar" are passed in as null. Is there a way to wrap a null value for
"display_scalar" or "scalar" before it is passed in to create a ScalarMap?
Michelle Kam (408) 742-2881
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. SSM/ATC/MSIS
B/153 O/L922
1111 Lockheed Martin Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089