I have a rather convoluted relationship between the following variables
independent: range r
dependent: height h, slantRange s
"quasi-independent" elevation e (user input)
h = f(r, e) or in VisAD notation: ( (r, e) -> h )
s = g(r, e, h), i.e. ( (r,e,h) -> s)
[so technically, s = g(r, e, f(r, e)) or ( (r, e, (r, e)) -> s )]
If you are still following this...
I am using r as any 1D Set and e is user input.
I want to plot h (YAxis) vs. s (XAxis).
When the user changes e, I want to recalculate h and s and update the
2-Dimensional output (a curve)
Currently I am able to do everything but update h using the following:
r = RealType.getRealType("R", SI.meter, null);
(^^^ Just realized that I don't use this, but instead I use:)
r_set = new Linear1DSet(0.0, 400.0, LENGTH);
h = RealType.getRealType("Height", SI.meter, null);
s = RealType.getRealType("SlantRange", SI.meter, null);
double e;
float[][] h_vals = new float[1][LENGTH];
float[][] s_vals = new float[1][LENGTH];
(h_vals and s_vals are calculated by r_set)
func_h_s = new FunctionType(h, s);
h_setI = new Irregular1DSet(h, h_vals );
vals_ff_I = new FlatField(func_h_s, h_setI);
xMap = new ScalarMap(s, Display.XAxis);
yMap = new ScalarMap(h, Display.YAxis);
These are snippets from my code that hopefully shows he relationship. I
can provide more if it would help clear up what I am trying to do.
Should I arrange my data into Tuples? Should I use a 2D set - and if I
do, can I plot it as a curve? (the examples in the tutorial seem to show
most things in a 2D set as contours of one type or another)
Thank you very much for your help!!
Kevin L. Manross [KD5MYD] (405)-366-0557
CIMMS Research Associate kevin.manross@xxxxxxxx
"My opinions are my own and not representative of CIMMS, NSSL,
NOAA or any affiliates"