Hi Don,
I am just getting ready to do something similar to what you are
describing to use for visualizing a radar beam path and where it may
possibly intersect with the terrain surrounding the radar.
I am still getting my feet wet with VisAD and had planned on using Ugo's
example 6.6 from his tutorial as a guide. I was going to try and
write a DEMViewer of sorts (but now that you have brought Ugo's
DEMViewer to my attention, I may try to use his) and place a
DataReferenceImpl in the DEM data.
One end of the line would be anchored at he radar site and the other end
would be used to "sweep" around the X-Y 2D domain. The terrain along
the line would be displayed in an adjacent window in an X-Z 2D display -
again similar to Ugo's example 6.6.
(please see
for an idea of this project)
I don't know if I am adding much to your inquiry, but it sounds like I
am working along the same lines as you are. Please feel free to contact
me for additional questions.
Don Murray wrote:
It's been a while since I asked this question so just I'm
just probing the list to see if anyone has:
- developed a reader of USGS 7.5 minute DEM data that generates VisAD
objects. The purpose would be to:
- display the DEM as an isosurface, contour lines and or
mesh (like Ugo's DEMViewer does)
- create vertical topographic slices in any direction.
If no one has already done this, then I'd like some input
on the best way to structure the data. A depiction of the data
can be found at:
and a fuller description at:
Basically, it is comprised of a set of equally spaced profiles
along UTM easting line. Each profile may be a different length and the
UTM easting value (X) is constant. I was thinking of having
a FlatField of (UTM_X, UTM_Y) -> Z, but I'm not sure what
to use for the domain set. Maybe an Irregular2DSet of
float[num_UTMX_points][] and for each UTMX array, I would
have the number of UTM_Y points?
- Is anyone working on a GeoTIFF to VisAD adapter?
Thanks for the help.
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307
Kevin L. Manross [KD5MYD] (405)-366-0557
CIMMS Research Associate kevin.manross@xxxxxxxx
[NSSL-WRDD/SWATN] http://www.cimms.ou.edu/~kmanross
"My opinions are my own and not representative of CIMMS, NSSL,
NOAA or any affiliates"