Hi Stu,
> Attached is a test program and a gif image.
> The program is a demo of a synthetic radar RHI display, a vertical cross
> section in 3D space of radar sweep data with one end on the radar
> location so the beams fan out from the radar in a vertical plane. The
> code uses the Australian BOM's Radar3DCoordinateSystem. The coodinate
> system and data location is fine.
> The display shows each data point along the radar beams as a pixel
> colored by value.
> A similar display in 2D shows interpolated color filled regions like the
> attached gif.
> Why doesn't the 3D display make a color filled surface? Can it be made
> to do so?
Try using a Gridded3DSet with manifold dimension = 2, by getting
rid of the "1" argument. That is, replace:
(GriddedSet) new Gridded3DSet(radarDomainType, domainVals,
bin_count, tiltcount, 1,
(GriddedSet) new Gridded3DSet(radarDomainType, domainVals,
bin_count, tiltcount,
Good luck,