Hi Adrian,
I just downloaded, compiled and ran P1_01.java from Ugo's
tutorial, and it ran without any Exception. In the current
source, line 1271 of DataImpl.java is:
return computeRanges(type, shadow);
and it is hard to see how it can generate a NullPointerException.
I am not sure what the problem is. It may provide a clue if I
knew what line 1271 of your DataImpl.java is.
On Tue, 19 Aug 2003, Adrian Wyss wrote:
> Hello
> I have problem runing VisAD.
> If I try to run the first example (P1_01.java)of the VisAD Tutorial I
> reveive the following exception:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at visad.DataImpl.computeRanges(DataImpl.java:1271)
> at visad.DataRenderer.computeRanges(DataRenderer.java:388)
> at visad.DataRenderer.prepareAction(DataRenderer.java:346)
> at visad.DisplayRenderer.prepareAction(DisplayRenderer.java:842)
> at visad.DisplayImpl.doAction(DisplayImpl.java:1644)
> at visad.java2d.DisplayImplJ2D.doAction(DisplayImplJ2D.java:312)
> at visad.ActionImpl.run(ActionImpl.java:353)
> at visad.util.ThreadPool$ThreadMinnow.run(ThreadPool.java:95)
> The classpath is set and the VisAD SpreedSheet (java
> visad.ss.SpreadSheet) runs fine.
> Thank you in advance...
> ***********************************************************
> Adrian Wyss
> Swiss Seismological Service
> ETH Hönggerberg
> CH-8093 Zürich
> tel: +41-1-633-3243
> fax: +41-1-633-1065
> ***********************************************************