Stereo 3D with Jython


I have a jython script/app that generates
DisplayImplJ3D displays.  I would like to
view these in stereo 3D, but have not been
successful.  Stereo vision works with other
apps.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I'm using the standard windows visad installer,
and have modified the jye.bat script so the
last line starts:
%JYTHON_PATH%\jre\bin\java.exe -Dj3d.stereo=PREFERRED

I'm using the following in my jython script:

  disp = DisplayImplJ3D("display1")
  pbody.setLeftEyePosition(  Point3d(-.0050,0.0,0.0) )
  pbody.setRightEyePosition( Point3d(+.0050,0.0,0.0) )

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