Intersection of FlatFields


I am trying to optimize my code a bit. I have two FlatFields of the same type (range->height) which produce two curves on the same display.

(Please see the right panel of:

I want to obtain all the ranges where the smooth curve lies below the jagged curve. Currently, I am looping through the range points, obtaining the values for each curve (smooth, jagged) at each point and determine which is greater (saving those range points where the jagged curve is greater than the smooth curve), and moving on to the next range point.

This works sufficiently, but 1) depending on the resolution I want (low = 400, high = 1600) along the range, I am making that many comparisons each time I move the red line on the left panel. 2) To calculate for the entire circle on the left panel (720 red lines), that means I am making between 288,000 and 1,152,000 comparisons. On my machine (1.2 GHz CPU, 1 Gb RAM) this takes about 40 seconds to do.

Is there a better way to find the intersection of two FlatFields?

On another performance topic, I have noticed that the smaller I shrink my VisAD displays, the more responsive the DirectManipulationRenderers are, and vice versa. I believe this is a somewhat common behavior that deals with rendering as I have seen similar retardation with expanding an .mpg or video game. Is this slowness vs. size tradeoff just something to live with, or is there a way that I can speed things up?

Many thanks to those who have responded to my questions. I keep hoping that I will become proficient enough to return the favor. ;-)


Kevin L. Manross        [KD5MYD]               (405)-366-0557
CIMMS Research Associate               kevin.manross@xxxxxxxx

"My opinions are my own and not representative of CIMMS, NSSL,
 NOAA or any affiliates"

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