Hello again,
I have had success with using Radar2DCoordinateSystem, but am having a
hard time with its 3D cousin.
if I construct a Radar3DCoordinateSystem with:
latitude: 32
longitude: -113
altitude: 0
Radar3DCoordinateSystem r3D = new Radar3DCoordinateSystem(32.0f,
-113.0f, 0.0f)
and I want to get the lat/lon/alt for a target at:
range: 100000m
azimuth: 90deg
elev: 2.0deg
double[][] targetCoordsRanAzElev = { {100000.0}, {90.0}, {2.0} };
and I use the toReference() method:
The values that I get back are the initial lat and lon (32, -113) and a
different height.
Am I not using this class correctly? I tried reading through the
RadarAdapter.java code to see how Radar3DCoordinateSystem is used, but
the toReference() (nor the fromRefernce()) method is not called.
FWIW, my ScalarMaps are the following:
latMap = new ScalarMap(RealType.Latitude, Display.YAxis);
lonMap = new ScalarMap(RealType.Longitude, Display.XAxis);
altMap = new ScalarMap(RealType.Altitude, Display.ZAxis);
Thank you very much!
Kevin L. Manross [KD5MYD] <>< (405)-366-0557
CIMMS Research Associate kevin.manross@xxxxxxxx
[NSSL-WRDD/SWATN] http://www.cimms.ou.edu/~kmanross
"My opinions are my own and not representative of CIMMS, NSSL,
NOAA or any affiliates"