Bill Hibbard wrote:
To get continuously varying opacity for blending, you need
to have a ScalarMap to Alpha rather than a ConstantMap. You'll
need to add a RealType to the range values in your Field, and
possibly increase the sampling resolution of your Field in
the direction you want opacity to vary. Please let me know if
that's not clear.
Thanks for the reply, Bill. I see what you are saying regarding
ScalarMap vs. ConstantMap transparency. However, perhaps I'm not so
concerned with *varying* opacity. The colored wedges that are in the
example are Irregular2DSets (not a Field) and are only used to
distinguish between one "wedge" (beamwidth) and the next. I would like
to illustrate the overlap between these wedges and hoped that by placing
one on top of the other, the opacity (or colors) of the overlaping areas
would be different than the individual wedge.
| Color1 |
| | ( # -> Color3 )
| |
| -----------------
| |##### |
| |##### |
| |##### |
--------------| |
| |
| Color2 |
On a different topic, I am trying to use the addReferences(DataRenderer,
DataReference[], ConstantMap[][]) method of the DisplayImpl class and
have not been successful.
Here is a snippet of my code:
allBeamsRend = new DefaultRendererJ3D();
allBeamWidthsRend = new DefaultRendererJ3D();
allBeamFillsRend = new DefaultRendererJ3D();
allBeamLabelsRend = new DefaultRendererJ3D();
public void vcpUpdate() throws VisADException, RemoteException
int NUM_ANGLES = beamPath.getNumElevationAngles();
Gridded2DSet[] paths = beamPath.getBeamPaths();
UnionSet[] widths = beamPath.getBeamWidths();
Irregular2DSet[] fills = beamPath.getBeamFills();
Tuple[] labels = beamPath.getBeamLabels();
allBeamsRef = new DataReferenceImpl[NUM_ANGLES];
allBeamWidthsRef = new DataReferenceImpl[NUM_ANGLES];
allBeamFillsRef = new DataReferenceImpl[NUM_ANGLES];
allBeamLabelsRef = new DataReferenceImpl[NUM_ANGLES];
ConstantMap[][] widthMap = new ConstantMap[NUM_ANGLES][];
ConstantMap[][] fillMap = new ConstantMap[NUM_ANGLES][];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ANGLES; i++)
widthMap[i] = new ConstantMap[]{
new ConstantMap(1.0f, Display.Red),
new ConstantMap(1.0f, Display.Green),
new ConstantMap(( (float)(i*(1/NUM_ANGLES)) ), Display.Blue),
new ConstantMap(GraphicsModeControl.DASH_STYLE,
fillMap[i] = new ConstantMap[]{
new ConstantMap(1.0f, Display.Red),
new ConstantMap(1.0f, Display.Green),
new ConstantMap(( (float)(i*(1/NUM_ANGLES)) ), Display.Blue),
new ConstantMap(0.75f, Display.Alpha)};
allBeamsRef[i] = new DataReferenceImpl("allBeamsRef" + i);
allBeamWidthsRef[i] = new DataReferenceImpl("allBeamsRef" + i);
allBeamFillsRef[i] = new DataReferenceImpl("allBeamsRef" + i);
allBeamLabelsRef[i] = new DataReferenceImpl("allBeamsRef" + i);
allBeamsRef[i].setData( paths[i] );
allBeamWidthsRef[i].setData( widths[i] );
allBeamFillsRef[i].setData( fills[i] );
allBeamLabelsRef[i].setData( labels[i] );
rhiDisplay.addReferences(allBeamsRend, allBeamsRef);
rhiDisplay.addReferences(allBeamWidthsRend, allBeamWidthsRef,
rhiDisplay.addReferences(allBeamFillsRend, allBeamFillsRef, fillMap);
rhiDisplay.addReferences(allBeamLabelsRend, allBeamLabelsRef);
I get the following runtime error:
Exception in thread "main" visad.DisplayException:
DefaultRendererJ3D.setLinks: must be exactly one DataDisplayLink
and the line number is associated with:
rhiDisplay.addReferences(allBeamsRend, allBeamsRef);
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Kevin L. Manross [KD5MYD] <>< (405)-366-0557
CIMMS Research Associate kevin.manross@xxxxxxxx
"My opinions are my own and not representative of CIMMS, NSSL,
NOAA or any affiliates"