As a very new (< 1 week) VisAD user, I've got a few questions that I'm
having trouble finding answers to:
1) Using PickManipulationRendererJ3D, I'd like to be able to have some
way of telling what I've picked. Currently, I'm doing this by having a
separate field and DataReferenceImpl for each thing that I might want
to pick, and passing the Java object in to an appropriately designed
subclass of CellImpl. Since there's a separate CellImpl for each
object, I can then tell which object i've clicked on.
This works, but seems a bit clunky. Is there a cleaner way to do it?
2) Having clicked on something, I'd like to remap its appearance, which
is currently determined by a reference to a ConstantMap which defines
colors and point sizes. What's the best way to go about redefining the
constant map?
3) How would I go about changing the initial view (zoom and camera
position) of a DisplayImplJ3D?
4) I'd like to revise the rotation behavior for the DisplayImpleJ3D.
Specifically, I'd like to support (at the user's discretion) rotation
that is constrained along one axis at a time. What would be the best
way to do this?
Any feedback would be appreciated. I realize that some of these issues
have been discussed on this list at various times, but I was not able
to find answers that seemed to fit these questions.
Harry Hochheiser, Ph.D.
Image Informatics and Computational Biology Unit
Laboratory of Genetics
NIH, National Institute on Aging
333 Cassell Drive
Suite 3000
Baltimore MD 21224
410 558 8046