Hi Mike,
You can update a subset of a FlatField's range samples
using the setSamples() signature:
public void setSamples(int start, double[][] range)
Here, start is the index of the first sample to update,
and range[0].length is the number of samples to update.
Sorry this was not documented.
However, the display logic will update the display of all
FlatField points. It may help a bit if the unused sample
val;ues are all set to NaN (i.e., missing).
If this is still to slow, you can partition your FlatField
and its domain Integer1DSet into disjoint sub-intervals,
with each FlatField independently linked to the Display
via its own DataReference. When you need to update sample
values, only update those FlatFields with samples that
Good luck,
On Mon, 9 Feb 2004, Kapper Michael G Contr AFRL/PRSA wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have been able to get animations in VisAD to work very smoothly for a lot
> of different cases until I had to animate a 2D scatter plot in which
> particle generation was involved. In the (stripped-down) code below, the
> updatePlot() method is called with 2 vectors containing the x and y
> coordinates of each particle. Because the number of particles increases, I
> created a new Integer1DSet, FlatField, and reset the flatfield data into the
> DataRefernece at each "update" iteration. This results in the screen
> flashing at each iteration and poor performance.
> In an opposing case, I initialized the plot with an Integer1DSet that was
> very large -->Integer1DSet(maximum # of particles that could possibly be
> generated). I didn't have to create a new FlatField and reset it into the
> DataReference everytime I updated the plot, but I did have to call
> setSamples() with a very large data set even though there was only a few
> particles present. While the screen no longer flashes, performance is
> sacrificed when a small # of particles is present.
> What is the proper way to do this? Does a new Integer1DSet have to be
> created everytime as well as resetting the flatfield data? Much thanks in
> advance.
> Mike
> public void initPlot()
> {
> ...
> index = RealType.getRealType("index");
> x = RealType.getRealType("x");
> y = RealType.getRealType("y");
> xy = new RealTupleType(x,y);
> fxy = new FunctionType(index,xy);
> xMap = new ScalarMap(x,Display.XAxis);
> yMap = new ScalarMap(y,Display.YAxis);
> DisplayImpl display = new DisplayImplJ2D("display1");
> display.addMap(xMap);
> display.addMap(yMap);
> data_ref = new DataReferenceImpl("data_ref");
> display.addReference(data_ref);
> JFrame jframe = new JFrame("VisAD");
> jframe.getContentPane().add(display.getComponent());
> jframe.setSize(700, 200);
> jframe.setVisible(true);
> }
> public static void updatePlot(double[] vx, double[] vy)
> { int Nparts = vx.length;
> data = new double[2][Nparts];
> for(int n=0;n<Nparts;n++)
> { data[0][n] = vx[n];
> data[1][n] = vy[n];
> }
> set = new Integer1DSet(Nparts);
> flatfield = new FlatField(fxy,set);
> data_ref.setData(flatfield);
> flatfield.setSamples( data, false );
> }