Re: Alpha and Java

Hi Kevin,

The pattern in your second image looks like interference
between the screen pixel dot pattern and the pattern of
your data displayed as discrete points. If you zoom in,
you should see the purple areas become discrete points.
Please let me know what happens when you zoom way into
both your first and second images.

Are they generated using identical application code and

I searched our CVS log for changes that might affect whether
an IrregularSet is displayd as filled triangles or discrete
points, and couldn't find any (but of course I may have
missed the change).


On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, Kevin Manross wrote:

> Greetings,
> It's been a few days since I've asked an alpha question, so here goes
> (sorry):
> For comparrison and curiosity purposes, I decided to try my application
> with an upgraded java2 and java3d.  I'm finding a difference  in how my
> transparent wedges (created by Irregular2DSets) are rendered.
> Using the older java:
> [java 1.4.2 (build 1.4.2-b28) and java3d-sdk-1.2.1_03 (blackdown) &
> VisAD circa May 2003]
> I get this image:
> With the newer java
> [java 1.4.2_03 (build 1.4.2_03-b02) and java3d-sdk-1.3.1 (blackdown) &
> VisAD Feb 2004]
> I get:
> Notice in the purple areas of the newer version the wavy pattern.
> Is this a java issue and/or is there anything I can do to remedy this?
> I have tried using different transparency modes (NICEST, FASTEST) with
> no change in behavior.
> Also, for more "standard" shapes, this does not seem to be an issue.
> I.e., plotting triangular wedges and making them transparent does not
> cause the wavy pattern for either version of java.
> Many thanks!!
> -kevin.
> --
> +------------------------------------------------------------+
> Kevin L. Manross      [KD5MYD] <><           (405)-366-0557
> CIMMS Research Associate               kevin.manross@xxxxxxxx
> "My opinions are my own and not representative of CIMMS, NSSL,
>   NOAA or any affiliates"
> +------------------------------------------------------------+

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