Firstly, thank you very much for your reply.
> > I would like to ask, using VisAD, is there any method, to draw
> > symbols like TC, High, or Low, on the image? Like those shown on
> > the weather map, Thanks. I've tried to use Display.Shape, but I
> > fail to do so.
> Shape will work for this, and you can find examples in the
> Test46.java and Test47.java programs in visad/examples.
Yes, I have tried these examples, but I found that, say, the cross in
the example, I've to specify the 4 coordinate of the cross. In my application,
say, I want to draw a TC symbol (which I know how to get it from the
WeatherSymbols.java) on a particular 2D Field, say, at position (10, 50). What
I should do to draw it at there? I do not know how to specify the coordinate of
where the symbol I should put.
> > I would also like to know who to use VisAD to draw cold front, etc?
> > I find that the API have FrontDrawer, but I don't know how to use it.
> > Are there any sample codes on that? Thank you.
> The main() method in FrontDrawer.java gives an example.
I've run the java FrontDrawer, and I don't know how it is used. I can
not draw any front on that.
> Note
> that FrontDrawer is designed to enable users to interactively
> draw fronts of various types. Actually, time sequences of fronts.
> However, you can give the constructor:
> public FrontDrawer(FieldImpl fs, float[][][] cs,
> DisplayImplJ3D d, int fw, int front_kind)
> the curves for a front sequence in the cs array, dimensioned:
> cs[number_of_time_steps][2][number_of_points_per_time_step]
> where the number_of_points_per_time_step can vary between time
> steps. I think you can pass fs as null (it is only provided as
> an argument in case the applications needs to have a reference
> to the FieldImpl containing the fronts).
If I got an array of coordinate of where the front is, can I use the
FrontDrawer to draw the front?
Thanks alot.