Thanks for your prompt reply, Bill. I modified the code to change the
longitude range and disable the texture mapping. The results are still
not what I expect. Can you shed any light on what I'm doing wrong?
latitude = RealType.Latitude;
longitude = RealType.Longitude;
domain_tuple = new RealTupleType(latitude, longitude);
int NCOLS = 5;
int NROWS = 6;
domain_set = new LinearLatLonSet(domain_tuple, -90.0, 90.0, NROWS,
-180, 108.0, NCOLS);
-- john
Bill Hibbard wrote:
Hi John,
The image attached to your email is displayed using texture
mapping, so interpolation is not used. Also, your lower and
upper longitude bounds (-180 and +180) are "equal", so there
would be no meaningful interpolation between them anyway.
LinearLatLonSet is only useful if your application is using
interpolation and you have a truly "circular" longitude
sampling (say every 5 degrees from -177.5 to +177.5). Sorry
to say I don't know of an example using LinearLatLonSet.
Good luck,
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, John C Cartwright wrote:
Hello All,
I'm trying to employ the LinearLatLonSet to take advantage of the
longitude "wrapping". Can someone provide me an example of how to
properly use this? Although I can get an image, it's not clear to me
that any interpolation is occurring across the longitude boundary. Test
case is based on example P3_2 in the tutorial and salient parts of the
code are listed below.
int NCOLS = 5;
int NROWS = 6;
latitude = RealType.Latitude;
longitude = RealType.Longitude;
domain_tuple = new RealTupleType(latitude, longitude);
domain_set = new LinearLatLonSet(domain_tuple, -90.0, 90.0, NROWS,
-180, 180.0, NCOLS);
Thanks for your help!
-- john
John Cartwright
Associate Scientist
Geospatial Data Services Group
CIRES, National Geophysical Data Center/NOAA
(303) 497-6284
John Cartwright
Associate Scientist
Geospatial Data Services Group
CIRES, National Geophysical Data Center/NOAA
(303) 497-6284