Re: problem compiling visad

Hi Victor,

These errors are most likely caused by an incorrectly set
CLASSPATH. If you are compiling VisAD from source, it should
include the PARENT directory of where you installed the
VisAD classes. There should be no need for a custom Makefile.

Good luck,

On Wed, 29 Dec 2004, Victor Shum wrote:

> I'm compiling visad  on a redhat 9 linux platform and
> I have a lot of unresolved symbol errors like:
> cannot resolve symbol
> symbol  : class UnimplementedException
> location: class visad.java3d.ShadowTupleTypeJ3D
>         throw new UnimplementedException("terminal
> LEGAL unimplemented: " +
> even though I have the java3d libraries:
> under the dir:
> /usr/local/java3d-1_3_2-build4-linux-i586/lib/i386
> which I have setenv CLASSPATH to already.
> Am I still missing some .so libraries in J3d?
> Much appreciated for your help!
> Bst,
> Victor

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