Thanks for your clarification Tom.
I tried deleting everything else except
/opt/visad-in-a-box and sourced it and did make
compile again.
Still I got the errors.
Think I should clarify on what I'm doing:
I have three directories:
1. /opt/visad-in-a-box which contains the .jar and the
extracted class files (without javax, I don't know
2. /usr/local/java3d-1_3_2-build4-linux-i586/ under
which I can see java3d media and javax class files;
3. /usr/local/src/visad under which I have my source
visad files and also under which I ran the make
for compilation.
In my CLASSPATH before I got your msg I put in all the
path links of 1. and 2. for compiling in 3.
I guess I may have to copy over the subdirs in 1. and
2. under the root of 3. ??
Many Thanks!
--- Tom Whittaker <tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Victor:
> In VisAD, there are several "packages". For
> example, "" is a
> package. In order for the classloader to find the
> contents of this package,
> the CLASSPATH variable must point to the "root
> node". This is usually the
> visad.jar file itself. (If you look at the files in
> the visad.jar file,
> you'll file entries like:
> "visad/data/text/TextAdapter.class")
> However, when you extracted the contents of the
> visad.jar file, the "root
> node", like Bill said, is the directory that
> contains the visad subdirectory.
> That's because the CLASSPATH says "look starting
> _here_". And when looking
> for the package "", it will look
> "starting here" for a
> subdirectory "visad/data/text".
> Thus, if you were "in" the "/opt/visad-in-a-box"
> directory when you extracted
> the contents of the visad.jar file, your CLASSPATH
> should only point to
> "/opt/visad-in-a-box".
> Hope that helps clarify.
> tom
> Victor Shum wrote:
> > Dear Visad users,
> >
> > I just don't understand why even I have included
> the
> > classes in my classpath (in the setenv line which
> I
> > sourced), when doing the make compile there is
> still
> > complaints of its non-existence!
> >
> > Thanks for your advice in advance!
> >
> > Bst,
> > Victor
> >
> > setenv CLASSPATH
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > package does not exist
> > import*;
> >
> --
> Tom Whittaker (tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
> University of Wisconsin-Madison
> Space Science and Engineering Center
> Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite
> Studies
> Phone/VoiceMail: 608.262.2759