visad 2-d successfully installed, now question on the java3d installation

Dear Visad users, 

Thanks for Bill and Tom's advising, I've successfully
used the correct visad.jar and installed correctly
(tested by running the java

Now I came across the problem of getting java3d to
I have done setenv CLASSPATH

and have run java3d-sdk-1.3.1-linux-i386.bin under
/opt/jdk1.5.0_01 successfully for it to generate
java3d-utils-src.jar in that directory. 

However, when I ran java HelloUniverse under the
/opt/jdk1.5.0_01/demo/java3d dir  I got a noclasdef
error . 

I read the README for the java3d and gathered I need
the xfree86 software (right?)

I downloaded the Xinstall.bin from:

and ran that but I got the error telling me to
extract and the rest of the Xfnt.bin etc. 

I'll do that but I'd also like to ask the visad
community why that should be required to run java3d or
is that bogus?



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