Re: VisAD Component "weight"

I like your interface. Are your plots always the same size and that's why the 3D canvas is not a problem in the tabs? A feature that I would like to be implement is the ability to "maximize" a plot. But, if I make a plot take up the whole tab won't it interfere with the other tabs?


On Mar 31, 2005, at 3:16 PM, Flaggs, Don wrote:

JTabbedPane's have worked fine for me to load/display multiple J3D plots
within the same JFrame.  My object containment hierarchy is
JFrame/JTabbedPane/JSplitPane/(JTabbedPane/JPanel) where the JPanel
contains either one or four DisplayImplJ3d.getComponent()'s.  Attached
is a .png image showing the GUI.  The only light weight "problem" I
really had was wrt the pull-down menu's where I had to use the
JPopUpMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopUpEnabled(false) option.

...  dlf

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-visad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-visad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Bruce Flynn
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 11:41 AM
To: Curtis Rueden
Cc: visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: VisAD Component "weight"

That sounds like a pretty good idea. I didn't even think of a
JTabbedPane.  I also have to thank you for the link to, it's a
great resource that I didn't know existed.

Thanks again for all your help

On Mar 31, 2005, at 1:21 PM, Curtis Rueden wrote:

Hi Bruce,

Actually, I think it is the other way around with SDI/MDI:
   SDI means one (single) document per frame
   MDI means multiple documents in one master frame

The original idea was that with SDI, you spawned a separate instance
of the application for each document, hence "single document
interface." So I suppose technically, both the multiple JFrame and
single JInternalFrame approaches are "multiple document" approaches,
although MDI usually means "all documents in one master frame."

Given the number of windows you need to work with, my suggestion is to

use tabs. I know JTabbedPane can be made to work with Java3D (others
on the VisAD list have mentioned it in the past). According to's article on Java3D and Swing -- -- JTabbedPane will
work "as long as you only put J3D in the |JTabbedPane| and not any
Swing elements." But you can easily detect which tab is active and
toggle the states of various nearby Swing components to create the
same effect.

Good luck,

Bruce Flynn wrote:

Hey Curtis,

That's funny, I just got done having a discussion with co-workers
debating MDI vs. SDI.

Just for clarity, my understanding is as follows:
    SDI:  All windows inside a main application window. ie.
JDesktopPane with JInternalFrames
    MDI: As you described, all separate window controlled by a main
window controller

The problem with MDI is that we have any number of instruments each
with a 6 window display.  If you are displaying 3 instruments at once

you have 18 windows that look the same except for the title bar with
the instrument name.  Also, the application is a monitoring
application and a MDI does not easily restrict the application to a
small piece of screen real-estate.

The other option being considered is a sudo-SDI where each of the 6
components for an instrument would be in a scrollable/slideable panel

in a single JFrame. One for each instrument.  The problem with this
approach is when a user wants to maximize a graph the handling of the

scroll/slider panes would be a mess.

So we're juggling around MDI, SDI, or sudo-SDI, to accommodate the
large amounts of windows.  Any suggestions or comments are more than

I'm going to tryout the 2D display just to test the feasibility of
using the JInternalFrames and see if I can get that working.



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