Re: Unable to free memory used by DisplayImpl

Hi Lezlie,

I am sorry that these memory problems persist. We have gone
over VisAD very carefully to make sure that DisplayImpl.destroy()
gets rid of all references it should, but it seems we still have
memory problems.

One approach is to re-use DisplayImpls, as described at:

Perhaps someone else has more recent experience with this
problem, and will comment.

Good luck,

On Wed, 25 May 2005, Lezlie Fort wrote:

> Hello,
> I am experiencing a problem that I hope someone will be able to address:
> I have written an application that can generate multiple 3D or 2D graphs
> in separate displays placed in separate tabs of a JTabbedPane.  This
> method of display has seemed to work well, for the most part.  The
> problem I am having, however, is that on occasion I may display 3D
> graphs with large amounts of data.  For example, I have one graph with
> approximately 34,500 points.  I ran a test case wherein this particular
> graph was displayed on 4 different tabs simultaneously.  No problem.
> However, when I try to perform subsequent memory-intensive operations
> (eg:  generating an irregular surface graph), I find that I run out of
> memory and the application dies silently.  This is not unexpected, since
> obviously the more graphs I display, the less memory I have available.
> So my remedy is to provide a way for users to delete any desired
> displayed graph from the JTabbedPane.  When I do this, I remove all of
> the items from the panel in the JTabbedPane (including the display), and
> then set the panel to null.  Additionally, I have a way to execute an
> explicit System.gc() command from the GUI (more for test purposes than
> anything else).  When I do this, however, I see absolutely no reduction
> in the amount of used memory (I have a performance monitor running
> simultaneously, so that I can observe memory usage as I execute the
> application).   Is there a way that I can explicitly free the memory
> that is being used by a display when it is no longer needed? (I have
> attempted display.destroy(), but it seems to have no effect).  What am I
> missing?
> Thanks,
> lzf

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