RE: AddeURLConnection - update

Thanks James. It works!!!


Mey Manickam
-----Original Message-----
From: James Kelly [mailto:J.Kelly@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, 1 August 2005 17:01
To: Mey Manickam
Cc: visad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: AddeURLConnection - update

Hi Mey,

The new version of AddeURLConnection defaults to port 112 on the server, 
which should provide the data in gzipped format. Unfortunately, the ADDE 
server you are connecting to is running McIDAS version 2002. Gzip format 
was added to McIDAS in 2003 I believe.

You can override this default by specifying the port and compress format 
in the URL eg:

I've tried the above & that should work for you (and using compress 
should be quicker). To get uncompressed data, you could try:
&port=500&compress=none (or NO_COMPRESS I suppose)

I haven't tried this option.



Mey Manickam wrote:

> Hi all:
>         I am using AddeURLConnection to read satellite images. My old 
> version of VisAD allowed me to read uncompressed data. To read the 
> gzip-compressed satellite images I have updated to the current version 
> ( of VisAD).  This allows me to read only the gzip-compressed 
> satellite images. If I want to read the uncompressed sat - images as 
> well, are there any work around. I tried setting compress=none or 
> NO_COMPRESS, without any success.
> Any hints, thoughts?
> Thanks
> Mey Manickam
> Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia

James Kelly  
Meteorological Systems Section                    Bureau of Meteorology
PO Box 1289K                                  Melbourne 3001, Australia
Phone: 61-3-9669-4840 Fax: 61-3-9669-4128     Email: J.Kelly@xxxxxxxxxx

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