Don Murray wrote:
On second thought, why don't you just use one of the subclass
implementations of ucar.unidata.view.geoloc.MapProjectionDisplay
instead of recreating all this yourself? I've already done the hard
work. ;-)
Hi Don, thanks for the pointer. Yes, I see that that class uses the
same approach that I was using, keeping displayrealtype names unique
using a counter. Obviously (??) any existing displayrealtypes are just
discarded when the scalar maps are removed. Your class really does have
much that i need, I'll consider subclassing it.
On a related note, is there any form of 'tutorial' or docs on IDV for
developers? The user's guide seems more of a manual for the IDV app
itself. The class library looks very powerful, it might just be that
people don't know what there is available and/or where to look.
Thanks a lot.
Stuart Maclean