I have updated the visad.jar file and associated source and docs.
Here's a summary of the changes:
------ Package: visad ----------
2006-02-15 13:32 curtis
* ShadowFunctionOrSetType.java: Add new createImage signature that
takes "boolean byRef" parameter. Old createImage signature calls
this method with byRef=false, to preserve the old behavior (this
fixes the problem with blank Java2D displays).
2006-02-14 12:28 donm
* AxisScale.java: fix bug that Tom Rink found
2006-02-13 16:30 curtis
Many: Remove unnecessary import statements.
2006-02-13 16:28 curtis
* ImageFlatField.java, ScalarMap.java,
bom/ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D.java, examples/Test73.java: Some
work on ImageFlatField logic: * Add intelligent support for
ImageFlatField to ImageRendererJ3D (via
ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D). * Add ScalarMap.scaleValues(byte[],
int) method to scale a series of bytes according to the map
range, times a given scale factor (useful to scale bytes from 0
to 255 instead of 0.0 to 1.0 as normal). * Add Test73 to test
ImageFlatField logic.
2006-02-13 14:14 curtis
* examples/DelaunayTest.java: Do not show bounding box.
2006-02-13 11:20 donm
* AxisScale.java: fix the javadoc for setLabelBothSides() to
reflect what it really does
2006-02-13 08:50 donm
* AxisScale.java: new methods labelling both sides, adding in
2006-02-10 16:26 curtis
* DelaunayWatson.java: Fix bug in random perturbation of samples
that caused algorithm to perform less robustly. This fix should
improve the chances of a correct Watson triangulation when there
are colinear points. However, the algorithm still fails on
certain sets of colinear points, although it seems to fail less
spectactularly (the IrregularRenderTest2 example I sent to the
list recently looks "almost correct").
2006-02-09 15:36 donm
* bom/ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D.java,
java3d/ShadowFunctionOrSetTypeJ3D.java: checking in some code
that Bill dreamed up while visiting Boulder. Fixed a problem
where you couldn't change the data in a reference using an
ImageRendererJ3D (and likely an AnimationRendererJ3D) if it had a
different MathType
2006-02-09 15:20 curtis
* examples/DelaunayTest.java: Split Delaunay testing code into two
public methods: makeTriang and visTriang, which can be called
from external code for testing. The functionality of
DelaunayTest's main method is unchanged, except for the addition
of an optional "test" parameter that calls Delaunay.test to check
for errors in the triangulation.
2006-02-09 14:41 curtis
* Delaunay.java: Add test(float[][] samples, boolean printErrors)
method for more verbose reporting of Delaunay triangulation
2006-02-09 13:35 donm
* IdentityCoordinateSystem.java: Add in a constructor that takes a
CS unit argument. Useful for converting between two values where
one has bad units and the reference has good units
2006-02-03 17:20 curtis
* FlatField.java, ImageFlatField.java: Use BufferedImage instead of
Image for ImageFlatField; override FlatField.computeRanges to
avoid unpackValues/Floats call.
2006-01-30 17:11 curtis
* ShadowFunctionOrSetType.java: Recommit streamlined createImage
code, with a stupid indexing bug fixed.
2006-01-27 15:11 donm
* data/netcdf/StandardQuantityDB.java: wow, two long-standing,
untickled bugs in one day! Default unit for Frequency is Hz, not
2006-01-27 13:29 donm
* FieldImpl.java: fix a bug in extract when one of the components
is a Real
2006-01-20 16:52 curtis
* ShadowFunctionOrSetType.java: There is an issue with createImage
when the byte[][] color_values array is not rectangular (e.g.,
color_values[0] has a different number of elements than
color_values[1]). Revert back to the old method until this
problem can be fixed.
2006-01-20 16:20 curtis
* DisplayImpl.java, ScalarType.java,
bom/CollectiveBarbManipulation.java, bom/CutAndPasteFields.java,
bom/DiscoverableZoom.java, bom/FlexibleTrackManipulation.java,
bom/FrontDrawer.java, bom/GridEdit.java,
bom/RubberBandLineRendererJ3D.java, bom/TrackManipulation.java,
data/DirectoryRepository.java, data/FunctionFormFamily.java,
data/fits/ExceptionStack.java, data/units/UnitTable.java,
data/vis5d/Vis5DForm.java, examples/Test44.java,
install/Main.java, install/Util.java, util/DataUtility.java: Use
"en" instead of "enum" for Enumerations, since "enum" is now a
keyword in Java 1.5.
2006-01-20 16:19 curtis
* ShadowFunctionOrSetType.java: When creating BufferedImages in
createImage, use byte[][] array directly instead of converting to
packed integers, since Java3D texturing by reference does not
work with packed integer format. Test16 and Test21, the only two
tests whose descriptions mention textures, still work.
2006-01-20 16:15 curtis
* examples/Test21.java: Use XAxis,YAxis instead of
Latitude,Longitude to test larger textures.
2006-01-19 13:12 curtis
All: 2006 copyright update (thanks to Dave for the impressive update
2006-01-13 18:18 curtis
* FlatField.java, ImageFlatField.java: Initial cut of
ImageFlatField (pixels backed by a java.awt.Image).
2006-01-12 11:47 donm
* FlowControl.java, ShadowType.java: add a set/getAdjustFlowToEarth
method to FlowControl, modify ShadowType to use it.
2005-12-12 14:18 curtis
* data/bio/ICSForm.java: More robust handling of ICS/IDS file pair.
2005-12-12 12:40 curtis
* util/Util.java: Include IDS as another legal extension for ICS
2005-12-12 12:32 curtis
* data/bio/ICSForm.java, util/Util.java: Add new forms to VisAD
file chooser widget.
2005-12-12 12:26 curtis
* data/bio/ICSForm.java: Form for Image Cytometry Standard (ICS)
file format.
2005-12-06 15:11 curtis
* data/tiff/TiffTools.java: Fix bug in horizontal differencing.
2005-12-02 05:41 billh
* java3d/VisADCanvasJ3D.java: add ScalarMap to IsoContour to test
in main() method
2005-11-29 17:20 curtis
* data/bio/IPWForm.java: Fix bug with EOFExceptions when extracting
TIFF image data.
2005-11-29 17:11 curtis
* data/tiff/RandomAccessArray.java: Use System.arraycopy instead of
for loop for copyArray methods.
2005-11-29 15:55 curtis
* data/tiff/TiffTools.java: Fix bugs in LZW compression -- it works
2005-11-29 14:28 curtis
* data/bio/ZVIForm.java: Better detection of ZTC dimensions.
2005-11-28 14:24 curtis
* data/: bio/BioRadForm.java, bio/FluoviewTiffForm.java,
bio/GatanForm.java, bio/IPLabForm.java, bio/IPWForm.java,
bio/LeicaForm.java, bio/MetamorphForm.java,
bio/PerkinElmerForm.java, bio/ZVIForm.java,
tiff/BaseTiffForm.java, tiff/BitWriter.java,
tiff/RandomAccessArray.java, tiff/TiffTools.java: Progress on
file formats. First version of Image-Pro IPW form.
2005-11-18 18:08 curtis
* data/tiff/BitWriter.java: Remove some unneeded constants.
2005-11-18 18:07 curtis
* data/tiff/: BitBuffer.java, BitWriter.java, LZWTreeNode.java,
TiffTools.java: Progress on saving TIFF with LZW compression.
Doesn't work properly yet.
2005-11-18 11:58 curtis
* data/tiff/TiffTools.java: Sort IFD tags in ascending order; label
saved TIFFs with "VisAD" in the Software directory entry if it is
not overridden.
2005-11-18 11:48 curtis
* data/tiff/: TiffForm.java, TiffTools.java: Eliminate a useless
layer of buffering (save performance seems unaffected).
2005-11-17 12:26 curtis
* data/tiff/: BaseTiffForm.java, TiffForm.java, TiffTools.java:
Initial implementation of native TIFF save methods.
2005-11-17 12:26 curtis
* data/bio/BioRadForm.java: Fix bug in getMetadataValue.
---- package: edu ----
2006-01-19 14:45 donm
* wisc/ssec/mcidas/AreaDirectoryList.java: trim the comment cards
2006-01-19 14:21 curtis
* wisc/ssec/mcidas/: AREAnav.java, AreaDirectory.java,
AreaDirectoryList.java, AreaFile.java, AreaFileException.java,
EnhancementTable.java, GMSXnav.java, GOESnav.java, GRIDnav.java,
GVARnav.java, GridDirectory.java, GridDirectoryList.java,
LALOnav.java, LAMBnav.java, MERCnav.java, MOLLnav.java,
MSATnav.java, MSGTnav.java, McIDASException.java,
McIDASUtil.java, PSnav.java, RADRnav.java, RECTnav.java,
TANCnav.java, adde/AddeException.java, adde/AddeGridReader.java,
adde/AddePointDataReader.java, adde/AddeSatBands.java,
adde/AddeServerInfo.java, adde/AddeTextReader.java,
adde/AddeURLConnection.java, adde/AddeURLException.java,
adde/AddeURLStreamHandlerFactory.java, adde/DataSetInfo.java,
adde/GetAreaFile.java, adde/GetAreaGUI.java, adde/Handler.java,
adde/ReadTextFile.java: Standardize copyright messages across
edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas package.
2006-01-19 10:35 donm
* wisc/ssec/mcidas/: AREAnav.java, MSGnav.java: add in module for
MSG navigation (made by copying MSGTnav and modifying using the
diff of nvxmsgt.dlm and nvxmsg.dlm).
2006-01-11 09:47 tomw
* wisc/ssec/mcidas/AreaDirectory.java: Fix problem with
single-banded image with band number > 31...
2005-11-29 09:27 tomw
* wisc/ssec/mcidas/: AREAnav.java, AreaDirectory.java,
AreaFile.java, GRIDnav.java, McIDASUtil.java: Allow AreaFile
objects to be serialized. Two static methods added to McUtil to
facilitate this and help out environments like matlab where it is
really hard to "cast"...
Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1225 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706 USA
ph: 608-262-2759