Hi All, We are having trouble with a memory leak in a real time radar application. The attached program (RadarMemoryLeak.java) also demonstrates the problem. The program starts up, reads a single radar image (from the "radar.dat" file attached), and creates an loop of 18 images from this one image (to simulate a 3 hour loop of 10 minute images). If you then hit the "enter key" (at the unix/dos prompt) the program then simulates new data arriving by: * resetting all the data (the 18 images) in the loop * calls setData on the data reference * loops 1000 times (the "i loop") * then an outer loop is called up to 10000 times (the "j loop") On all platforms (Linux, Windows and AIX) I have tested the program will eventually fail with an out of memory error. It occurs for both Java 1.4.2/Java3D 1.3.1 and Java 1.5/Java3D 1.4.0 beta. The number of loops required to crash the program is highly variable. I've seen crashes for values of j: * as small as 1 (ie 1000 calls to setData) * a lot around the 20 to 30 mark * a few in the hundreds * rarely more than 1000. So be patient if you are trying it out. Can anybody shed any light on what the cause of the memory leak might be? Many thanks, James Attached are: RadarMemoryLeak.java radar.dat To compile/run: download both files to the same directory, then: javac RadarMemoryLeak.java java RadarMemoryLeak Also are attached are text output from from a memory debugger: * start.txt: the state of the heap memory just after startup * end.txt: the state of the heap after the "out of memory" error -- James Kelly Meteorological Systems Section Bureau of Meteorology PO Box 1289K Melbourne 3001, Australia Phone: 61-3-9669-4724 Fax: 61-3-9669-4128 Email: J.Kelly@xxxxxxxxxx
import visad.*; import visad.bom.RadarAdapter; import visad.java3d.*; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class RadarMemoryLeak { public static void main(String[] args) throws VisADException, RemoteException { String radarSource = "radar.dat"; RadarAdapter ra = null; try { ra = new RadarAdapter(-34.9f, 138.5f, 4.0f, radarSource, false); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Caught Exception for \"" + radarSource + "\": " + e); System.exit(1); } FlatField radar = ra.getData(); FunctionType radar_image = (FunctionType) radar.getType(); RealTupleType radaz = radar_image.getDomain(); RealType reflection = (RealType) radar_image.getRange(); RealType azimuth = (RealType) radaz.getComponent(1); RealType range = (RealType) radaz.getComponent(0); int num_radar_images = 18; RealType index = new RealType("index"); RealType[] indexType = { index }; RealTupleType indexTupleType = new RealTupleType(indexType); SetType indexSetType = new SetType( indexTupleType ); FunctionType radar_time_series = new FunctionType(indexTupleType, radar_image); Integer1DSet indexSet = new Integer1DSet(indexSetType, num_radar_images); FieldImpl radar_times = new FieldImpl(radar_time_series, indexSet); for (int i = 0; i < num_radar_images; i++) { System.out.println("i = " + i); radar_times.setSample(i, radar); } DisplayImplJ3D display = new DisplayImplJ3D("radar"); ScalarMap lonmap = new ScalarMap(RealType.Longitude, Display.XAxis); display.addMap(lonmap); ScalarMap latmap = new ScalarMap(RealType.Latitude, Display.YAxis); display.addMap(latmap); display.addMap(new ScalarMap(RealType.Altitude, Display.ZAxis)); ScalarMap rgbMap = new ScalarMap(reflection, Display.RGB); // ScalarMap rgbMap = new ScalarMap(reflection, Display.RGBA); // rgbMap.setRange(0.,6.); display.addMap(rgbMap); GraphicsModeControl mode = display.getGraphicsModeControl(); mode.setScaleEnable(true); DataReference ref = new DataReferenceImpl("radar_ref"); ref.setData(radar_times); display.addReference(ref); JFrame frame = new JFrame("VisAD BOM radar image"); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);} }); frame.getContentPane().add(display.getComponent()); int WIDTH = 500; int HEIGHT = 600; frame.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); frame.setLocation(screenSize.width/2 - WIDTH/2, screenSize.height/2 - HEIGHT/2); frame.setVisible(true); try { System.in.read(); } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) { } for (int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) { display.disableAction(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { System.out.println("i = " + i); for (int k = 0; k < num_radar_images; k++) { radar_times.setSample(k, radar); } ref.setData(radar_times); } display.enableAction(); System.out.println("********************** j = " + j); } } }
Description: MPEG movie
Runtime Heap Summary =================== Runtime Instance List --------------------- Package Class Count Memory ------- ----- ----- ------ Total 1,777 88,296 double[ ] 289 (16.3%) 25,168 (28.5%) byte[ ] 82 (4.6%) 17,632 (20.0%) visad DisplayEvent 84 (4.7%) 6,720 (7.6%) char[ ] 57 (3.2%) 4,832 (5.5%) java.awt.event MouseEvent 77 (4.3%) 4,312 (4.9%) sun.awt MostRecentKeyValue 259 (14.6%) 4,144 (4.7%) Total Object[ ] 145 (8.2%) 3,896 (4.4%) javax.media.j3d Transform3D 81 (4.6%) 2,592 (2.9%) java.lang.ref WeakReference 107 (6.0%) 2,568 (2.9%) java.awt EventQueueItem 90 (5.1%) 2,160 (2.4%) java.util HashMap$Entry 70 (3.9%) 1,680 (1.9%) sun.awt EventQueueItem 90 (5.1%) 1,440 (1.6%) javax.vecmath Point3d 44 (2.5%) 1,408 (1.6%) visad ControlEvent 14 (0.8%) 1,008 (1.1%) java.lang String 38 (2.1%) 912 (1.0%) java.util Vector 30 (1.7%) 720 (0.8%) java.util Vector$1 34 (1.9%) 544 (0.6%) int[ ] 11 (0.6%) 496 (0.6%) short[ ] 6 (0.3%) 496 (0.6%) javax.media.j3d AppearanceRetained 4 (0.2%) 448 (0.5%) java.awt.event InvocationEvent 8 (0.5%) 384 (0.4%) java.lang StringBuffer 13 (0.7%) 312 (0.4%) java.util LinkedList$Entry 12 (0.7%) 288 (0.3%) java.awt Dimension 18 (1.0%) 288 (0.3%) java.awt SentEvent 7 (0.4%) 280 (0.3%) java.awt.event FocusEvent 8 (0.5%) 256 (0.3%) javax.media.j3d ColoringAttributesRetained 4 (0.2%) 256 (0.3%) javax.media.j3d Appearance 4 (0.2%) 192 (0.2%) javax.vecmath Vector3d 6 (0.3%) 192 (0.2%) java.util ArrayList 8 (0.5%) 192 (0.2%) javax.media.j3d ColoringAttributes 4 (0.2%) 192 (0.2%) javax.vecmath Color3f 8 (0.5%) 192 (0.2%)
Runtime Heap Summary =================== Runtime Instance List --------------------- Package Class Count Memory ------- ----- ----- ------ Total 7,585 60,176,264 double[ ] 1 (3.2%) 28,176,376 (46.8%) float[ ] 1 (1.5%) 22,272,592 (37.0%) byte[ ] 7 (0.5%) 9,440,392 (15.7%) Total Object[ ] 2 (27.3%) 50,064 (0.1%) javax.vecmath Point3d 5 (7.8%) 19,040 (0.0%) int[ ] 6 (3.2%) 18,024 (0.0%) java.util ArrayList 4 (8.9%) 16,176 (0.0%) java.util Vector 0 (5.0%) 9,120 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d Texture2DRetained 6 (0.5%) 8,352 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d Shape3DRetained 6 (0.5%) 8,352 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d TriangleStripArrayRetaine8 (0.2%) 7,776 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d AppearanceRetained 5 (0.9%) 7,280 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d BranchGroupRetained 7 (0.5%) 7,104 (0.0%) javax.vecmath Color3f 2 (3.6%) 6,528 (0.0%) sun.java2d SunGraphics2D 2 (0.4%) 6,144 (0.0%) visad FlatField 7 (0.8%) 5,928 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d BoundingBox 8 (1.4%) 5,184 (0.0%) visad DisplayEvent 9 (0.8%) 4,720 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d RenderMolecule 8 (0.2%) 4,608 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d TextureAttributesRetained6 (0.5%) 4,320 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d MaterialRetained 4 (0.7%) 4,320 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d ImageComponent2DRetained 8 (0.2%) 3,888 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d PolygonAttributesRetained4 (0.7%) 3,888 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d LineAttributesRetained 4 (0.7%) 3,888 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d TransparencyAttributesRet4 (0.7%) 3,888 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d PointAttributesRetained 4 (0.7%) 3,456 (0.0%) visad ThingChangedEvent 2 (0.6%) 3,360 (0.0%) java.awt Rectangle 1 (1.7%) 3,144 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d Transform3D 2 (1.2%) 2,944 (0.0%) java.util HashMap 2 (0.9%) 2,880 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d RenderingAttributesRetain6 (0.5%) 2,592 (0.0%) java.awt.event MouseEvent 2 (0.6%) 2,352 (0.0%) java.util Vector$1 6 (1.9%) 2,336 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d TextureUnitStateRetained 6 (0.5%) 2,304 (0.0%) java.lang.ref Finalizer 2 (0.9%) 2,304 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d Appearance 7 (0.6%) 2,256 (0.0%) java.awt.geom AffineTransform 2 (0.4%) 2,048 (0.0%) sun.java2d.pipe Region 4 (0.8%) 2,048 (0.0%) javax.media.j3d ColoringAttributesRetaine9 (0.4%) 1,856 (0.0%)