Just some follow-up on this:
Don Murray wrote:
I'm trying to use the screen based axis scales (see Test42 in
the visad examples) and have run into a couple of things
that are problematic in their use.
- the YAxis gets put too far off to the left that my
label gets cut off the screen when my tick labels are
4 or more chars (e.g. 1000). This is similar to the
issue described at:
but that fix is in the distribution, but did not
completely fix the problem.
A workaround is to set the label size a little smaller. The
default size is 12, using 10 shows my labels. Not an optimum
solution, but it works.
- ideally, I'd like the scales to be snapped to the
box's original position such the corner of the two scales'
intersection lines up with the box's lower left corner (
when snapToBox is true).
Positioning of the axes is handled down in DisplayRendererJ3D.
At some point, it would be good to allow the user to set
the offset.
- lastly, I'd like to have my clipping happen at the
axis scale position, not the bounds of the box.
I do this by listenting for projection changes, figuring
out where the scales are located in VisAD space and
then set the clipping bounds accordingly.
Also, I made a couple of improvements to the AxisScale
class in the latest VisAD release:
- grid lines - you can now draw grid lines at the major
tick points by calling setGridLinesVisible(true) on
a particular axis scale.
- labelling both sides - you can now have the label on
both sides of the box by calling setLabelBothSides(true).
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307
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