Hi Don,
Don Murray wrote:
Hi All-
For our IDV application, the sounding displays (SkewT) uses
a DisplayImplJ2D because setting the line width under DirectX
is not supported and we use that feature.
Why do you have to use DirectX? I think most graphics card
vendors supply OpenGL and DirectX drivers? Is there a problem
on the OpenGL side?
I'd like to use the capabilities of the ScreenLockedRendererJ3D
and RubberBandBoxRendererJ3D in this 2D window. Has anyone
implemented these for the java2D package?
Not that I know of.
I looked at the RBB renderer and it seemed like we'd just
need another VisADBranch.
There's a lot of Java3D specfic code in RBBR_J3D.drag_direct,
which is how the box is drawn. There's plenty of common
code, but the RB box would have to be rendered on the 2D
canvas directly - I think.
I'm not sure about the extra_branch
that is already there. For the ScreenLocked, it looked like
the J2D package just needs a screen locked branch.
Again, all the rendering on the 2D side is done at once in
VisADCanvasJ2D. The ScreenLockedRendererJ3D uses
two differenct TransformGroups, one of which, the one
linked to the 'locked' object, is left alone after initialized.
It's not obvious to me straightaway that this trick will
work with the Java2D rendering.
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