I tried that with 1, 2, 3 (and 100 ;-). I could not see any difference.
They all looked like the default. I also tried 0, and it looked like
gmc.setTextureEnable(false); that is, shaded.
-----Original Message-----
Yeah, for your 1000 x 1000 data set you are creating and
rendering 2,000,000 triangles. The dirty look comes from
the shading applied to the surface (as I recall, we
disabled shading with texture maps).
Tom Rink suggests that rather than disabling texture
mapping, you might try:
GraphicsModeControl mode = display.getGraphicsModeControl();
Or for a compromise, try 2 or 3 instead of 1. These
will give you a texture map with finer sub-sampling
(with 1, I think there is no sub-sampling at all).
Good luck,
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