Re: voronoi polygons


In my previous email I meant

... your rule of "voronoi polygons vertex = centroid of triangles" ...

rather than

... your rule of "voronoi polygons edges = centroid of triangles" ...

I hope this doesn't cause confusions.


Curtis Rueden wrote:
Hi Ricardo,

VisAD does not contain any code to construct Voronoi polygons, but the
Delaunay logic includes everything you need to easily create them
yourself. Each Voronoi polygon is computed by finding the center point
of each triangle/tetrahedron (average of Tri vertex samples), and
connecting those center points across the triangle edges/faces (using
the Walk array).

Alternately, you could feed the results of a triangulation in VisAD to
some external software capable of computing Voronoi diagrams from an
input triangulation.


On 1/31/07, Ricardo Mantilla <ricardo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Has anyone developed methods to obtain the Voronoi polygons from a
Delaunay triangulation?

I think this question was asked some time ago and at the time there was
no such class implemented.


Ricardo Mantilla
Posdoctoral Research Associate

Department of Earth and Environmental Science
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
801 Leroy Pl. MSEC 254
Socorro, NM 87801

Phone: (505) 835-5068
Office: MSEC 254

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Ricardo Mantilla
Posdoctoral Research Associate

Department of Earth and Environmental Science
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
801 Leroy Pl. MSEC 254
Socorro, NM 87801

Phone: (505) 835-5068
Office: MSEC 254

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