Nevermind, I got it:
Radar2DCoordinateSystem rcs2d = new Radar2DCoordinateSystem(-25, -45,
500, 500, 0f, 1.003f);
float[][] result = rcs2d.toReference(new
float[][]{{239f ,239f ,239f ,239f}, {0f, 90f, 180f, 270f}});
float latMin = result[0][0];
float latMax = result[0][2];
float lonMin = result[1][1];
float lonMax = result[1][3];
Suposing the number of rays is 240.
Cicero Zandona
Em Ter, 2007-03-06 às 10:31 -0300, Cicero Augusto Wollmann Zandona
> Hi VisAD people,
> I don't know if anyone remembers me, but I am back to VisAD development.
> I had forgot how some things, like the resample() method are powerful.
> Anyway, I am using a Radar2DCoordinateSystem in a Integer2DSet and it
> plots OK. The problem is that I want to resample the data to a
> Linear2DSet, but its constructor needs the limits (in lat, lon) which I
> don't have in advance. Is there a way to get this dynamicaly? I have
> tried things set.getX().getFirst() but this returns values in terms of
> Azimute and Range. The same thing happens in a 3D system.
> Thanks already,
> Cicero Zandoná
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