Hi Celine,
There are a couple of things you could try. First, does the problem
happen with DisplayPanelJ3D? If not, it could be a bug in the VisAD
Java2D display implementation. You could try calling validate() and
repaint() on the containing frame, containing JPanel and display panel
component itself.
If it happens with both, it is a bit more mysterious. Does the problem
always happen when you call setData on a linked DataReference? Does
the display refresh if you resize the window?
Either way, if you could create a small test program that demonstrates
the issue, it would be very helpful for debugging.
On 3/7/07, Celine Gestas <celine.gestas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
I have a problem that I can not manage to fix.I have a Jpanel containing
many displays (added
dynamically), so DisplayPanelJ2D, and when I modify one display (I
update the datas), the message "please wait ..." is displayed so the
visualization of the display is not updated. It updates the display and
the message disappears only if I select another display or if I modify
the Jpanel adding or removing a display (DisplayPanelJ2D) ...
Hoping you could help me to fix this problem,
Celine Gestas
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