Hi All,
I have a quick question regarding placing a static colorbar in the VisAD
Display. A great example of this is in the example provided by Geoff
Freeman in the email archives:
(go here to directly see the example. Caution, large file)
Once you start the demo, you see he has a colorbar that has a constant
position within the display. I would like to add this functionality to
my display. Is this something that can be set in the VisAD Display, or
is it a more general Java behavior.
Thank you much!
Kevin L. Manross | ** New Address **
CIMMS Research Associate | 120 David L. Boren Bvd
NSSL : WRDD : SWAT | Rm 3923
<kevin.manross@xxxxxxxx> | 405.325.6385
www.cimms.ou.edu/~kmanross |
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CIMMS, NSSL, NOAA or any affiliates"
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