Hi Roman,
Easy problem:
. . .
CoordinateSystem logCS = new MyCoordinateSystem(new
domain_tuple = new RealTupleType(latitude, longitude,logCS,null);
. . .
lonMap = new ScalarMap( longitude, Display.XAxis );
. . .
Now when I run that code i get an error:
Single DisplayRealType DisplayXAxis occurs more than once:
. . .
longitude occurs in domain_tuple and in the reference
RealTupleType for logCS. You need to invent another
RealType to take the place of longitude in one of these
places. I also note that latitude occurs in both places,
whereas I think you want loglatitude in one of them
(loglatitude is in a RealTupleType named reference, but
this is not passed to the logCS constructor and needs to
have two RealTypes).
Good luck,
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