[visad] Update to VisAD library

The VisAD library has been updated.  You may pick up the latest JAR
files at:  ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/visad-2.0.

Here is a summary of the changes since the last update in October:

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/AreaDirectoryList.java  revision 1.12  date:
2008/11/17 18:05:00   author: tomw
 Remove check of first int coming back from an ADDE request -- turns out
 that this can be any random number, and cannot be used as a "sanity
check" word....inspite of the doc.

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeURLConnection.java  revision 1.66  date:
2008/11/15 16:39:09   author: donm
 pass in the second pos parameter in case the server doesn't handle
 the default like it should

 visad/Set.java  revision 1.66  date: 2008/11/12 20:52:52   author: donm
 fix for merge1DSet

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/AreaFile.java  revision 1.35  date: 2008/11/11
17:58:50   author: tomw
 Fix long-standing issue with ADDE servers sending un-signed 1- and 2-byte
 data values.....it took until now, when someone started looking at fires,
 to uncover this issue...I guess temperatures of -413K were just too cold...

visad/jmet/MetUnits.java  revision 1.24  date: 2008/11/07 22:53:08
author: donm
 play God and convert mass/area to length

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/MSGTnav.java  revision 1.9  date: 2008/11/07
22:50:29   author: donm
 account for a non-zero subsatellite longitude

visad/java3d/VisADCanvasJ3D.java  revision 1.54  date: 2008/11/07
18:17:31   author: jeffmc
 Fix a possible starvation block when doing off screen image capture

 visad/java3d/DisplayRendererJ3D.java  revision 1.106  date:
2008/11/07 18:17:31   author: jeffmc
 Fix a possible starvation block when doing off screen image capture

visad/DisplayRealType.java  revision 1.19  date: 2008/11/06 21:55:51
author: curtis
 Remove redundant DisplayRealTypeVector logic.

visad/Gridded3DSet.java  revision 1.82  date: 2008/11/05 16:34:11   author: rink
 check changes into the main branch.

visad/Contour2D.java  revision 1.72  date: 2008/11/05 16:34:11   author: rink
 check changes into the main branch.

visad/Gridded3DSet.java  revision  date: 2008/11/04 23:30:40
  author: rink
 Pass back the unstyleable LineArrays in the first GeometryArray
 position.  Note:  if Contour.HARD case most of the line are LineArrays
 not LineStripArrays so styling will not work.

visad/Contour2D.java  revision  date: 2008/11/04 23:30:40
author: rink
 Pass back the unstyleable LineArrays in the first GeometryArray
 position.  Note:  if Contour.HARD case most of the line are LineArrays
 not LineStripArrays so styling will not work.

Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
1225 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI  53706  USA
ph: +1 608 262 2759

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