Im using visad to create a Delaunay triangulation. I have two ways.
*1st way:
try {
delaunay_ = Delaunay.factory(verteces_, true);
catch (VisADException exc) {
assert delaunay_.test(verteces_);*
2nd way:
try {
delaunay_ = new DelaunayClarkson(verteces_);
} catch (VisADException e) {
The first way uses the factory (that heuristically decides which method will
be use), and then uses the method test. So I guess this would be quite
expensive, but will provide an exact triangulation.
My question is, if used this way, DelaunayClarkson could return a wrong
triangulation, and if it would be faster than using the factory method (or
at least always O(N*logN) ).
Thank you very much