Re: [visad] HDF-EOS and Java

While I am not sure what you mean by "access", but first, let's have a
look at the structure of the "data" variable.  After you read the
data, please call these two functions:


This should produce text output that will describe the structure of
your "data" and may help.

I should add this:  I am surprised that any of that old HDF code works
at all...NCSA has not supported it for at least ten years!  We have
pretty much been abandon by them, and instead are relying more on the
netcdf-java library from Unidata to provide access to HDF files;
although this does not produce a VisAD Data object, it does allow one
to read the variables and their associated metadata which can then be
used to construct Fields as needed.


2011/3/28 Juanjo González <juanjose.gonzalez@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Dear Mr/Madam,
> I finally succeed on compiling VisAD library. I'm using it to read MODIS
> files, but actually I cannot get the data...
> I'm trying this:
> [...]
> HdfeosForm eos_form = new HdfeosForm();
> DataImpl data =;
> [...]
> I can "see" the data in a vector field named "FloatRange" for each of the
> file parameters, but I cannot access to them.  How can I get the data? Is
> there any other possibility to open the file and read the data using VisAD?
> I would appreciate any suggestions.
> Thank you in advanced.
> Sincerely,
> 2011/3/23 Juanjo González <juanjose.gonzalez@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Dear Mr/Madam,
>> I am working with HDF-EOS data in Java using UNIX. I downloaded the VisAD
>> library and I followed the steps as mentioned on "Building Native Code for
>> the HDF-EOS and HDF-5 File Adapters"
>> [], but when I type
>> "make all" on the terminal I get this error:
>> make: Command not found
>> make: *** [HdfeosLib.class] Error 127
>> I am not sure but I guess it becomes since I do not have the "NASA/Hughes'
>> HDF-EOS C file interface code", but the webs (found at the README.hdfeos
>> file) that explains where to obtain it are no working any longer, so I do
>> not know what I should do to get the HDF-EOS library work.
>> I would appreciate any suggestions.
>> Thank you very much in advance,
>> --
>> Juanjo González
>> PiLDo Labs
>> Parc Tecnològic Barcelona Nord
>> Marie Curie s/n - 08042 Barcelona
>> juanjose.gonzalez@xxxxxxxxx
> --
> Juanjo González
> PiLDo Labs
> Parc Tecnològic Barcelona Nord
> Marie Curie s/n - 08042 Barcelona
> juanjose.gonzalez@xxxxxxxxx
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Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
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Madison, WI  53706  USA
ph: +1 608 262 2759

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