Hi All,
As Jon points out below, I maintain a Mavenized git mirror of VisAD,
https://github.com/julienchastang/VisAD. Here are a few remarks about
this process.
Because VisAD is an API, any project using that API can easily bring
VisAD into their project via their pom.xml. For example, THREDDS (which
was recently Mavenized itself) has a VisAD dependency. Now all THREDDS
needs to do is reference the VisAD artifact in the pom.xml, and Maven
will take care of the rest. Another advantage is you should be able to
get rid of your custom ant build process.
You have to accept the way Maven does things and not fight the tool. In
practice, this means adopting the sometimes awkward directory structure.
Otherwise, Maven is just an exercise in frustration. "Convention over
configuration" is the motto.
I had to prune some of the VisAD source tree, because there are classes
that do not make it past javac. Any migration to git and mavenization
would be a good opportunity to clean up some old cruft.
A migration git/github would also carry many advantages as that
technology excels in promoting collaborative development. THREDDS is
already seeing the benefits of git. See
Maven is imperfect, but the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. The
same is true for git/github.
Just my $0.02.
On 3/27/12 2:54 PM, Curtis Rueden wrote:
Hi Jon,
Thanks for your reply!
I don't think there are any official plans to move, but I'd be
really surprised if VisAD didn't switch over within the year.
If/when it happens, please let me know if there is anything I can do
to help!
^^ poking at maven (and thanks for the integration work already
done on ImageJDev!)
A Mavenized VisAD would be totally awesome! I'm available to help with
that too, if needed.
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Jonathan Beavers
<jbeavers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jbeavers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> P.S. The Unidata folks did it: https://github.com/Unidata/IDV
*peer pressure* :-)
I don't think there are any official plans to move, but I'd be
really surprised if VisAD didn't switch over within the year. And
lest anyone claim that peer pressure (aka Metcalfe's Law?) isn't
^^ poking at maven (and thanks for the integration work already
done on ImageJDev!)
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