Hi Andrew,
> Do many of the visad community use an IDE?
Personally I use Eclipse (with the Vrapper plugin, for vim-like editing). I
have used NetBeans a bit too and it seems pretty good, but my only
extensive experience is with Eclipse. I also still like pure vim + command
line for some things. Eclipse definitely has its problems, but its power is
If you use Julien Chastang's mirror of VisAD [1], which is Mavenized, you
can easily develop in any major IDE using its Maven integration. E.g., in
Eclipse, you say File > Import > Existing Maven Projects and point to the
toplevel directory, and all the dependencies are taken care of for you
(including automatically using Project and JAR dependencies on the fly as
appropriate, as well as automatically linking source code). Or in NetBeans,
you simply use "Open Project" like any other project. IntelliJ IDEA is
[1] https://github.com/julienchastang/VisAD
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 7:55 AM, Wilson, Andrew J <andrew.wilson@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> wrote:
> Dear visad community,****
> ** **
> I am breathing life back into a visad application that I developed a
> decade ago. ****
> ** **
> Back then I was working on UNIX and coding in a plain old text editor. I
> could go that route, but I’d be very interested to hear what development
> environment is used by other people. Do many of the visad community use an
> IDE? I do a little C++ as well and so I was considering NetBeans.****
> ** **
> If you have any experience or advice you can share then that would be much
> appreciated.****
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> ** **
> Andrew Wilson
> Team Leader, Reservoir Geophysics and QI ****
> BG Group plc | Thames Valley Park | Reading | Berkshire | RG6 1PT
> Tel +44 (0)118 929 2549 | Mob: +44 (0)7825 118 515
> email: andrew.wilson@xxxxxxxxxxxx****
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