Hello Jan --
The code that was released in the GOESnav.java reads:
for (int n = 6; n < 12; n++)
if (n == 10 || n == 8) continue;
if (iarr[n] <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid orbital parameters");
The array elements number 8 and 10 were the ones that could possibly
be less than zero for your data, so this is the way we changed it.
Depending on when you forked/cloned your repository, you will probably
have to do something like this to get these updates:
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
git push origin master
If this does not work for you, please let me know.
"Area coordinates" are relative to the data received from a server,
with monotonically increasing coordinate values from (0,0) in the
upper left corner. "Image coordinates" are the coordinate values in
the original data...they start at (1,1) in (usually) the upper left
corner and also monotonically increase. If the "area" you got from
the ADDE server has a "mag" value of < 0, then the "image coordinates"
of the pixels will not monotonically increase (for example, if you use
a mag=-2, then the image coordinates would increase by 2 between
pixels, while the area coordinates will still increase by one.
In the case of the GOES navigation, the coordinate transformations are
always done in image coordinates but since most people think of
coordinates in terms of area coordinates, the straight linear
transformation routines ImageToAreaCoordinates and
AreaToImageCoordinates are provided (in AreaNav).
I do not understand the issue you are having with the 20 pixel "jump"
-- would you please elaborate in exactly what you are doing?
Best wishes,
On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 3:45 AM, Jano Kianicka <kianicka123jano@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Tom and others from visAD community,
> Thank you very much for fixing also issues which I needed regarding GMS-5
> data. But I have one question regarding source code in the GitHyb
> repository.
> I had a look at the master branch: https://github.com/visad/visad.git
> and there were for example commits: removing of PI, and add real
> getSubpoint() in GOESnav, but there is missing GMS-5 fix in GOESnav
> (removing of part of the code:
> if (iarr[n] <= 0)
> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid orbital
> parameters");
> lines 168-173 in GOESnav.java.
> So my question is, am I looking at good GitHub repository?
> Because I have made fork of this repository, and now I don't know if it is
> right master branche.
> And one more question, can you help me, if I need to merge commits from
> master branch to my fork? It is https://github.com/JanKianicka/visad.git
> And one more, third question. I am performing tests with old GOES
> navigation. It works well but is somehow not so stable, sometimes images
> bumps even 20-30 pixesl in line/ but mostly in element direction. I am using
> just the functions toLineEle(). But in parent class AREAnav there are also
> functions ImageToAreaCoordinates translations. And when I have tested these,
> some of bumps might correspond to differences in image coordinates. Can not
> you explain me what means Image and AreaFile coordinates in case of
> satellite data in McIDAS AREA format? And LineElement from the functions
> toLineEle needs some additional correction to read navigated data dirrectly
> from the image matrix?
> Thank you very much.
> Kind regards
> Jan Kianicka
> ________________________________
> From: Tom Whittaker <whittaker@xxxxxxxx>
> To: visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2013 8:54 PM
> Subject: [visad] VisAD library updated
> The VisAD library has been updated to r6023. You may pick up the
> current visad.jar and other jar files from the links off the VisAD
> homepage. Here is a summary of the changes since the last update on
> 11 March 2013:
> ----------------------------
> Jonathan Beavers, 2013-05-07 : Fix for non-unique ADDE
> descriptor comment strings.
> core/src/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/DataSetInfo.java
> ----------------------------
> Tom Whittaker, 2013-05-07 : Replaced plotting symbols for
> turbulence to conform to AWC/ADDS instead of GEMPAK [1456]
> core/src/visad/util/wmo.jhf
> ----------------------------
> Tom Rink, 2013-05-03 : Label frequency logic: don't create
> a tiny segment at the end.
> core/src/visad/Contour2D.java
> ----------------------------
> Tommy Jasmin, 2013-04-09 : Add MSG-3 support to HRIT
> adapter [0]
> core/src/visad/data/hrit/HRITAdapter.java
> core/src/visad/util/Util.java
> ----------------------------
> Tom Rink, 2013-04-02 : Let the application set this
> renderer to be not greedy.
> core/src/visad/bom/CurveManipulationRendererJ3D.java
> ----------------------------
> Tom Whittaker, 2013-04-01 : allow getDomainSizes(Data) to
> return lengths of more than just GriddedSets
> core/src/visad/python/JPythonMethods.java
> ----------------------------
> Tommy Jasmin, 2013-03-28 : lose redundant PI declarations
> in nav code
> core/src/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/ABISnav.java
> core/src/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/GEOSnav.java
> core/src/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/GOESnav.java
> core/src/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/GVARnav.java
> core/src/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/KALPnav.java
> ----------------------------
> Tom Whittaker, 2013-03-28 : Add warning in Javadoc of
> AreaAdapter regarding AreaFile. Add real getSubpoint()
> method to GMSX nav.
> core/src/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/GMSXnav.java
> core/src/visad/data/mcidas/AreaAdapter.java
> ----------------------------
> Tom Whittaker, 2013-03-25 : AREAnav->better error msg.
> GOESnav->allow some negative orbital params for old GMS
> data
> core/src/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/AREAnav.java
> core/src/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/GOESnav.java
> ----------------------------
> Tom Whittaker, 2013-03-25 : Update to testing script info
> testing/README
> ----------------------------
> Julien Chastang, 2013-03-21 : change label size correctly
> core/src/visad/ContourControl.java
> ----------------------------
> --
> Tom Whittaker
> University of Wisconsin-Madison
> Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
> Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
> 1225 W. Dayton Street
> Madison, WI 53706 USA
> ph: +1 608 262 2759
> _______________________________________________
> visad mailing list
> visad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> For list information, to unsubscribe, visit:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/mailing_lists/
Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
1225 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706 USA
ph: +1 608 262 2759