Hi Devanshi,
> I have tried to use save method of loci.formats.out.AVIWriter
> So, byte[] will store the single file only. what if I want to store
> series of images in .avi form.
Do not use loci.formats.* API. Use this method:
visad.data.bio.LociForm.save(String, Data, boolean)
> 2) And how to capture and save rotating image.
See Test50, Test51 and Test52 for examples of capturing the displayed image
of a Java2D or Java3D window or offscreen rendering.
But hooking these two things together (capturing an AVI movie of a rotating
display) is not trivial to do. You would need to capture the BufferedImages
and wrap them back into a VisAD Data object again using a
visad.ImageFlatField. There is no existing code to make this easier.
It might be easier to record your rotating image with an external screen
capture / screencast tool, depending what you need it for.
On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 11:56 PM, Devanshi Prajapati <
prajapati.devanshi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Sir,
> I have tried to use save method of loci.formats.out.AVIWriter in Example,
> P5_10, by Ugo Taddei sir.
> The format is : public void saveBytes(int no, byte[] buf,int x,
> int y,int w, int h)
> throws
> FormatException<http://downloads.openmicroscopy.org/bio-formats/5.0.1/api/loci/formats/FormatException.html>,
> IOException<http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/io/IOException.html?is-external=true>
> So, byte[] will store the single file only. what if I want to store
> animated series of images in .avi form.
> 2) And how to capture and save rotating image. I have rotate it using
> viewpointControl.
> On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Curtis Rueden <ctrueden@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Devanshi,
>> > Is it possible to save , modified images and animation (in .avi form)
>> > in visAD??
>> You can use the visad.data.bio.LociForm's save method to save a data
>> object to one of the Bio-Formats-supported formats, which includes AVI.
>> Note that this is only uncompressed AVI though. If you are trying to
>> "seriously" work with AVIs using any modern codec, you will be much better
>> off leaning on a tool like FFMPEG or similar.
>> > how to get the content rendered in display screen
>> Note that the solution above saves VisAD Data objects. See Test50, Test51
>> and Test52 for examples of capturing the displayed image of a Java2D or
>> Java3D window or offscreen rendering.
>> Regards,
>> Curtis
>> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 4:39 AM, Devanshi Prajapati <
>> prajapati.devanshi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> Is it possible to save , modified images and animation (in .avi form) in
>>> visAD??
>>> I have tried by capturing the scalarmaps on display but how to get the
>>> content rendered in display screen and how to save it.
>>> Is there any adapters there to save data objects?
>>> Currently I am trying to find this in loci.formats and displayMaster
>>> classes.
>>> --
>>> Thank you
>>> Devanshi U. Prajapati
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> --
> Devanshi U. Prajapati