Re: [wxp] Global satellite images

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On Fri, 2008-07-11 at 10:38 -0400, Ben Cotton wrote:


I'm trying to generate large-ish (ideally 1280x986) images for display on
large screens our department recently bought.  One of the images I wanted to
put up was a global satellite view.  Using the command:

xsat  -ge=1280x968 -if=sat_ir_g -cu=la -de=d

I get the data and the map plotted in separate parts of the plot, as seen

Is this a limitation of the global satellite files that come in off the IDD
or is there something I can do to force it to work?

I found the problem.   I'm not sure I have a solution.

When you run xsat without specifying a projection, it displays the raw
image as is and then tries to overlay a map.   The raw image is only
640x350 in resolution so when you display it in a 640x480 window, its
fine.    But if you blow it up to 1280x800, it has troubles.   The
reason is that WXP tries to determine the lat/lon of the center of the
screen and then use that to draw the map.   But if the image is 640x350,
the center point is now out in space and not on the image.   Thus WXP is
confused in trying to determine a domain.

There are two solutions:

1) specify a domain to remap the image to:

xsat -inp=area ../sat/IR_20080711_0900  -de=d -ge=1100x700 -pd=globe

2) use WXP 6 satplot which resizes the image to the size of the window:

satplot -inp=area ../sat/IR_20080711_0900  -de=d -ge=1100x700


Daniel Vietor
Mail: devo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Unisys Corp
Title: Engineer/Meteorologist
2476 Swedesford Rd Phone: 610-648-3623
Malvern PA 19355
Fax: 610-695-5524

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