Output from Supercomputer Forecast Models
In addition to the observations of surface and upper air
conditions, the
Family of Services (FOS)
contains the output
of a variety of forecast models run on supercomputers at
the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (
formerly known as the National Meteorological Center ,NMC)
and the
European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting
(ECMWF). These data products are disseminated on the
Resolution Data Service (HRS). As part of the FOS, these
products are also injected into the IDD by
as part of their contract with Unidata. In the
map shown here, Purdue has generated countours of the
forecast for maximum temperature and probability of
precipitation predicted three days into the future
by the supercomputer model.
National Meteorological Center Forecasts
In the map shown here, Purdue has generated contours of the
forecast for maximum temperature and probability of
precipitation predicted three days into the future
by the Medium Range Forecast model at the National Meteorological
European Center Forecasts

This map uses output from a supercomputer model run at ECMWF to
show the 24-hour forecast for surface and upper air conditions
over Europe.