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Re: 20240924: latest 7 day summary NOAAPort Gap stats

Jim et al,

On 16 Sept, NOAA did a channel realignment on the SBN to help with actualization of channel priorities.  I am not attempting to be patronizing for everyone on this email . . . but a "channel" is a discrete PID configured on the satellite modem, and is used to partition data.

For the sake of nomenclature, in this context, the "Satellite Broadcast Network - SBN" is the NOAAPort and NWWS data streams.  So SBN means both.

That, within itself, was not the cause, but the primary contractor was waiting to get this particular realignment completed before doing some round-robin on the ground station uplink.  Which happened the following day around 1340Z . . . and was followed by a couple of hours of messiness as the last time this was attempted, it exhibited the exact behaviour we are seeing now . . . but reduced this time.

The symptom of the issue is individual SBN frames are sent out of sequence.  I have checked across three different SBN receiving software packages - the one with LDM, the one I wrote years ago, and Jose Nieves's nbsp . . . and they all *expect* the frames to arrive in sequence, and when they don't, the assumption is made that a gap has occurred between the last frame and the current frame when those sequence numbers are not serial.  I also know, for those of us old enough to remember, that NGIT's acqserver . . . the original AWIPS SBN receive software . . . also expected the frame numbers to occur in sequence.

For the LDM noaaportIngester users, this can be seen with the reference to a "Retrograde packet number":

20240925T142859.903396Z noaaportIngester[4393]      productMaker.c:pmStart:1249         ERROR Missing fragment in sequence, last 5/7650698 this 7/7650698
20240925T142859.903436Z noaaportIngester[4393]      productMaker.c:pmStart:522          WARN  Retrograde packet number: previous=10457646, latest=10457645, difference=4294967295

The last time this happened with a change at the uplink, all channels were affected.  This time, however, only four channels on the SBN are impacted with this problem:

EXP - PID 106
GRE - PID 108
NOPT - PID 104
NWWS - (separate RF/modem) PID 201

The good news is the last of the ""Retrogrades" that occurred on NWWS was 22 Sep at 0036Z.  So, maybe it is fixed?  The last one on EXP was 24 Sept at 1918Z, and GRE had an event 25 Sept at 0333Z, and NOPT 25 Sept at 1428Z (the Retrograde example above).

It may be getting fixed . . . as I don't see it happening on NWWS any longer, and the last one on EXP was yesterday . . . but that is why no one is getting "0" frame loss since the 17th.

Before you write/call NOAA/NCF, it does appear that things are getting sorted, so maybe sit on it a day or so longer.  I have been diligent about bringing it up often since it started, and like the rest of us, I know they have a lot on their plates.

Stonie Cooper, PhD
Software Engineer III
NSF Unidata Program Center
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
I acknowledge that the land I live and work on is the traditional home of The Chahiksichahiks (Pawnee), The Umoⁿhoⁿ (Omaha), and The Jiwere (Otoe).

On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 7:51 PM Weber, Jim <address@hidden> wrote:
There was a time we routine had zero gaps for a week or two and then when we did it was next to nothing. Not that the numbers are huge and I have do not have a way to look into it but are we all missing the same frames as in it is on the send side or what is going on now that we routinely have the 200-900 dropped frames a day?  Anyone have any insight into what is going on more than myself who at this point has only looked at these nightly digest of numbers? 

Jim Weber


Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

FOX 13 News


3213 West Kennedy Blvd.

Tampa, Florida 33609

Phone 813-870-9657





On Sep 24, 2024, at 8:36 PM, address@hidden wrote:

The latest 7 days of NOAAPort summary Gap stats ending at
23:59:59 UTC on 20240924:

Summary Gap messages for the latest 7 days

https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://np1.ssec.wisc.edu__;!!PxibshUo2Yr_Ta5B!zz2WmbwyaeB3LjcRFxEFiR6VTUs1QYcsw5778Jqp4RJKCsCjzTI9CwZxBXE2I3zTUaXsxoDSaMgpO3nDOR-0z14$  LDMVer=6.15.0 Qsize=35G
   np1:: 20240918.235616: nGap:    324 nFrame:       1646 nG1sec:    17 nG5sec:    27 nG15sec:    40 nG1min:    83 nProds:  6579802 nDups: 126793 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6706595
   np1:: 20240919.235904: nGap:    370 nFrame:        438 nG1sec:    41 nG5sec:    49 nG15sec:    66 nG1min:   116 nProds:  6586618 nDups:  97071 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6683689
   np1:: 20240920.235907: nGap:    410 nFrame:        527 nG1sec:    74 nG5sec:    82 nG15sec:    93 nG1min:   141 nProds:  6619994 nDups: 175373 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6795367
   np1:: 20240921.235001: nGap:    470 nFrame:       2550 nG1sec:    98 nG5sec:   117 nG15sec:   134 nG1min:   191 nProds:  6700805 nDups:  43848 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6744653
   np1:: 20240922.235724: nGap:    459 nFrame:       3975 nG1sec:   103 nG5sec:   113 nG15sec:   135 nG1min:   186 nProds:  6692048 nDups:  33389 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6725437
   np1:: 20240923.235640: nGap:    418 nFrame:       5707 nG1sec:    86 nG5sec:    96 nG15sec:   109 nG1min:   157 nProds:  6647889 nDups: 206387 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6854276
   np1:: 20240924.235940: nGap:    451 nFrame:       3987 nG1sec:    89 nG5sec:   102 nG15sec:   116 nG1min:   161 nProds:  6728130 nDups: 244950 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6973080
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://np2.ssec.wisc.edu__;!!PxibshUo2Yr_Ta5B!zz2WmbwyaeB3LjcRFxEFiR6VTUs1QYcsw5778Jqp4RJKCsCjzTI9CwZxBXE2I3zTUaXsxoDSaMgpO3nDNrIwJrs$  LDMVer=6.15.0 Qsize=35G
   np2:: 20240918.235616: nGap:    354 nFrame:        416 nG1sec:    34 nG5sec:    44 nG15sec:    58 nG1min:   102 nProds:  6579804 nDups: 126841 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6706645
   np2:: 20240919.235904: nGap:    398 nFrame:        474 nG1sec:    59 nG5sec:    68 nG15sec:    82 nG1min:   133 nProds:  6586609 nDups:  97069 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6683678
   np2:: 20240920.235907: nGap:    413 nFrame:        540 nG1sec:    74 nG5sec:    84 nG15sec:    94 nG1min:   141 nProds:  6619978 nDups: 175376 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6795354
   np2:: 20240921.234906: nGap:    464 nFrame:        605 nG1sec:    93 nG5sec:   110 nG15sec:   125 nG1min:   187 nProds:  6700951 nDups:  43845 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6744796
   np2:: 20240922.235724: nGap:    420 nFrame:        556 nG1sec:    78 nG5sec:    88 nG15sec:   110 nG1min:   155 nProds:  6692108 nDups:  33388 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6725496
   np2:: 20240923.235640: nGap:    432 nFrame:        599 nG1sec:    97 nG5sec:   108 nG15sec:   123 nG1min:   163 nProds:  6648097 nDups: 206400 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6854497
   np2:: 20240924.235940: nGap:    467 nFrame:        620 nG1sec:   109 nG5sec:   117 nG15sec:   133 nG1min:   176 nProds:  6728172 nDups: 244938 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6973110
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://chico.unidata.ucar.edu__;!!PxibshUo2Yr_Ta5B!zz2WmbwyaeB3LjcRFxEFiR6VTUs1QYcsw5778Jqp4RJKCsCjzTI9CwZxBXE2I3zTUaXsxoDSaMgpO3nDY2oomC4$  LDMVer=6.15.0 Qsize=50G
 chico:: 20240918.235616: nGap:    301 nFrame:       2467 nG1sec:    16 nG5sec:    26 nG15sec:    39 nG1min:    76 nProds:  6579990 nDups: 126682 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6706672
 chico:: 20240919.235904: nGap:    305 nFrame:        305 nG1sec:    11 nG5sec:    19 nG15sec:    34 nG1min:    75 nProds:  6586997 nDups:  96792 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6683789
 chico:: 20240920.235907: nGap:    280 nFrame:        280 nG1sec:     6 nG5sec:    13 nG15sec:    22 nG1min:    55 nProds:  6623429 nDups: 172093 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6795522
 chico:: 20240921.234906: nGap:    294 nFrame:        294 nG1sec:     7 nG5sec:    23 nG15sec:    36 nG1min:    81 nProds:  6701273 nDups:  43694 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6744967
 chico:: 20240922.235724: nGap:    280 nFrame:        280 nG1sec:    13 nG5sec:    22 nG15sec:    38 nG1min:    73 nProds:  6692501 nDups:  33155 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6725656
 chico:: 20240923.235640: nGap:    275 nFrame:        306 nG1sec:    23 nG5sec:    30 nG15sec:    41 nG1min:    74 nProds:  6649247 nDups: 205422 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6854669
 chico:: 20240924.235940: nGap:    280 nFrame:        280 nG1sec:     9 nG5sec:    17 nG15sec:    29 nG1min:    59 nProds:  6730064 nDups: 243235 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6973299
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://uni14.unidata.ucar.edu__;!!PxibshUo2Yr_Ta5B!zz2WmbwyaeB3LjcRFxEFiR6VTUs1QYcsw5778Jqp4RJKCsCjzTI9CwZxBXE2I3zTUaXsxoDSaMgpO3nDXjtxTFA$  LDMVer=6.14.5 Qsize=100G
 uni14:: 20240918.235616: nGap:    301 nFrame:       2467 nG1sec:    16 nG5sec:    26 nG15sec:    39 nG1min:    76 nProds:  6579114 nDups: 127558 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6706672
 uni14:: 20240919.235904: nGap:    305 nFrame:        305 nG1sec:    11 nG5sec:    19 nG15sec:    34 nG1min:    75 nProds:  6586083 nDups:  97706 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6683789
 uni14:: 20240920.235907: nGap:    280 nFrame:        280 nG1sec:     6 nG5sec:    13 nG15sec:    22 nG1min:    55 nProds:  6617643 nDups: 177879 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6795522
 uni14:: 20240921.234906: nGap:    294 nFrame:        294 nG1sec:     7 nG5sec:    23 nG15sec:    36 nG1min:    81 nProds:  6700422 nDups:  44549 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6744971
 uni14:: 20240922.235724: nGap:    280 nFrame:        280 nG1sec:    14 nG5sec:    22 nG15sec:    38 nG1min:    73 nProds:  6691582 nDups:  34070 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6725652
 uni14:: 20240923.235640: nGap:    275 nFrame:        306 nG1sec:    23 nG5sec:    30 nG15sec:    41 nG1min:    74 nProds:  6647434 nDups: 207236 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6854670
 uni14:: 20240924.235940: nGap:    280 nFrame:        280 nG1sec:     9 nG5sec:    17 nG15sec:    29 nG1min:    59 nProds:  6726398 nDups: 246900 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6973298
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://uni17.unidata.ucar.edu__;!!PxibshUo2Yr_Ta5B!zz2WmbwyaeB3LjcRFxEFiR6VTUs1QYcsw5778Jqp4RJKCsCjzTI9CwZxBXE2I3zTUaXsxoDSaMgpO3nDz-CvkgM$  LDMVer=6.14.5 Qsize=100G
 uni17:: 20240918.235616: nGap:    301 nFrame:       2467 nG1sec:    16 nG5sec:    26 nG15sec:    39 nG1min:    76 nProds:  6579405 nDups: 127267 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6706672
 uni17:: 20240919.235904: nGap:    305 nFrame:        305 nG1sec:    11 nG5sec:    19 nG15sec:    34 nG1min:    75 nProds:  6586265 nDups:  97524 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6683789
 uni17:: 20240920.235907: nGap:    280 nFrame:        280 nG1sec:     6 nG5sec:    13 nG15sec:    22 nG1min:    55 nProds:  6617971 nDups: 177551 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6795522
 uni17:: 20240921.234906: nGap:    294 nFrame:        294 nG1sec:     7 nG5sec:    23 nG15sec:    36 nG1min:    81 nProds:  6700683 nDups:  44288 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6744971
 uni17:: 20240922.235724: nGap:    280 nFrame:        280 nG1sec:    14 nG5sec:    22 nG15sec:    38 nG1min:    73 nProds:  6691883 nDups:  33769 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6725652
 uni17:: 20240923.235640: nGap:    275 nFrame:        306 nG1sec:    23 nG5sec:    30 nG15sec:    41 nG1min:    74 nProds:  6647673 nDups: 206997 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6854670
 uni17:: 20240924.235940: nGap:    280 nFrame:        280 nG1sec:     9 nG5sec:    17 nG15sec:    29 nG1min:    59 nProds:  6726718 nDups: 246580 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6973298
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://awips-ldmcp1.gsd.demonstration.gov__;!!PxibshUo2Yr_Ta5B!zz2WmbwyaeB3LjcRFxEFiR6VTUs1QYcsw5778Jqp4RJKCsCjzTI9CwZxBXE2I3zTUaXsxoDSaMgpO3nDLCqTaCQ$  LDMVer=6.13.11 Qsize=16G
awips-ldmcp1:: 20240918.235617: nGap:     836 nFrame:       836 nG1sec:    400 nG5sec:   439 nG15sec:  468 nG1min:  537 nProds:  6596499 nDups: 120036 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6716535
awips-ldmcp1:: 20240919.235904: nGap:     891 nFrame:       891 nG1sec:    405 nG5sec:   462 nG15sec:  500 nG1min:  566 nProds:  6619433 nDups:  73232 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6692665
awips-ldmcp1:: 20240920.235907: nGap:     813 nFrame:       813 nG1sec:    371 nG5sec:   418 nG15sec:  444 nG1min:  508 nProds:  6683768 nDups: 119760 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6803528
awips-ldmcp1:: 20240921.234906: nGap:     855 nFrame:       855 nG1sec:    407 nG5sec:   457 nG15sec:  482 nG1min:  556 nProds:  6711617 nDups:  41820 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6753437
awips-ldmcp1:: 20240922.235724: nGap:     824 nFrame:       847 nG1sec:    407 nG5sec:   450 nG15sec:  472 nG1min:  544 nProds:  6703075 nDups:  29461 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6732536
awips-ldmcp1:: 20240923.235640: nGap:     790 nFrame:       790 nG1sec:    378 nG5sec:   411 nG15sec:  432 nG1min:  495 nProds:  6691126 nDups: 142890 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6834016
awips-ldmcp1:: 20240924.235940: nGap:     851 nFrame:       851 nG1sec:    403 nG5sec:   452 nG15sec:  485 nG1min:  547 nProds:  6768693 nDups: 150007 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6918700
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://awips-ldmcp2.gsd.demonstration.gov__;!!PxibshUo2Yr_Ta5B!zz2WmbwyaeB3LjcRFxEFiR6VTUs1QYcsw5778Jqp4RJKCsCjzTI9CwZxBXE2I3zTUaXsxoDSaMgpO3nDgfvFYro$  LDMVer=6.13.11 Qsize=16G
awips-ldmcp2:: 20240918.235617: nGap:     836 nFrame:       836 nG1sec:    400 nG5sec:   439 nG15sec:  468 nG1min:  537 nProds:  6593819 nDups: 122718 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6716537
awips-ldmcp2:: 20240919.235904: nGap:     891 nFrame:       891 nG1sec:    405 nG5sec:   462 nG15sec:  500 nG1min:  566 nProds:  6611334 nDups:  81331 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6692665
awips-ldmcp2:: 20240920.235907: nGap:     814 nFrame:       819 nG1sec:    371 nG5sec:   418 nG15sec:  444 nG1min:  508 nProds:  6669318 nDups: 134209 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6803527
awips-ldmcp2:: 20240921.234906: nGap:     856 nFrame:       862 nG1sec:    407 nG5sec:   457 nG15sec:  482 nG1min:  556 nProds:  6711112 nDups:  42314 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6753426
awips-ldmcp2:: 20240922.235724: nGap:     822 nFrame:       848 nG1sec:    405 nG5sec:   448 nG15sec:  470 nG1min:  542 nProds:  6703400 nDups:  30681 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6734081
awips-ldmcp2:: 20240923.235640: nGap:     792 nFrame:       792 nG1sec:    379 nG5sec:   412 nG15sec:  433 nG1min:  496 nProds:  6706454 nDups: 157637 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6864091
awips-ldmcp2:: 20240924.235940: nGap:     855 nFrame:       855 nG1sec:    405 nG5sec:   454 nG15sec:  487 nG1min:  549 nProds:  6822053 nDups: 170650 nPinfo:     0 nPtot:  6992703
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://noaaport4.cod.edu__;!!PxibshUo2Yr_Ta5B!zz2WmbwyaeB3LjcRFxEFiR6VTUs1QYcsw5778Jqp4RJKCsCjzTI9CwZxBXE2I3zTUaXsxoDSaMgpO3nD_c2kRmg$  LDMVer= Qsize=
noaaport4:: 20240918.235616: nGap:    292 nFrame:        292 nG1sec:     9 nG5sec:    18 nG15sec:    31 nG1min:    68 nProds:  6587509 nDups: 119217 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6706726
noaaport4:: 20240919.235904: nGap:    305 nFrame:        305 nG1sec:    11 nG5sec:    19 nG15sec:    34 nG1min:    75 nProds:  6617395 nDups:  66394 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6683789
noaaport4:: 20240920.235907: nGap:    280 nFrame:        280 nG1sec:     6 nG5sec:    13 nG15sec:    22 nG1min:    55 nProds:  6679203 nDups: 116319 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6795522
noaaport4:: 20240921.234906: nGap:    294 nFrame:        294 nG1sec:     7 nG5sec:    23 nG15sec:    36 nG1min:    81 nProds:  6703140 nDups:  41831 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6744971
noaaport4:: 20240922.235724: nGap:    280 nFrame:        280 nG1sec:    14 nG5sec:    22 nG15sec:    38 nG1min:    73 nProds:  6695918 nDups:  29734 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6725652
noaaport4:: 20240923.235640: nGap:    250 nFrame:        250 nG1sec:     5 nG5sec:    12 nG15sec:    22 nG1min:    52 nProds:  6710458 nDups: 144235 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6854693
noaaport4:: 20240924.235940: nGap:    281 nFrame:        281 nG1sec:     9 nG5sec:    17 nG15sec:    29 nG1min:    59 nProds:  6818254 nDups: 155043 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6973297
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://bird01.allisonhouse.com__;!!PxibshUo2Yr_Ta5B!zz2WmbwyaeB3LjcRFxEFiR6VTUs1QYcsw5778Jqp4RJKCsCjzTI9CwZxBXE2I3zTUaXsxoDSaMgpO3nD5RRVDdA$  LDMVer= Qsize=
http://wxengine3.fox.com LDMVer=6.13.16 Qsize=2G
wxengine3:: 20240918.235617: nGap:    836 nFrame:        836 nG1sec:   400 nG5sec:   439 nG15sec:   468 nG1min:   537 nProds:  6583287 nDups: 123439 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6706726
wxengine3:: 20240919.235904: nGap:    891 nFrame:        891 nG1sec:   405 nG5sec:   462 nG15sec:   500 nG1min:   566 nProds:  6604703 nDups:  79086 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6683789
wxengine3:: 20240920.235907: nGap:    813 nFrame:        813 nG1sec:   371 nG5sec:   418 nG15sec:   444 nG1min:   508 nProds:  6676257 nDups: 119265 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6795522
wxengine3:: 20240921.234906: nGap:    855 nFrame:        855 nG1sec:   407 nG5sec:   457 nG15sec:   482 nG1min:   556 nProds:  6702303 nDups:  42668 nPinfo:      0 nPtot:  6744971
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http://wxengine4.fox.com LDMVer=6.13.16 Qsize=12G
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Stonie Cooper, PhD
Software Engineer III
NSF Unidata Program Center
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
I acknowledge that the land I live and work on is the traditional territory of
The Pawnee, The Omaha, and The Otoe.

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