Re: [idvdevelopers] New test release of Image Chooser and PR


On 2/26/14 9:17 PM, Brian Mapes wrote:
An idea:

Two "Create Display" buttons.
1. Create floating (view-following) display
2. Create fixed-region display

Rather than having "Create Display" query the value of a hidden checkbox
when deciding which to do...

I think that is more confusing and clutters up the UI. I would prefer to have display options under the Data Subset tabs like the region panel.

Initally, we had a "Use PR" in the region panel so you could do both region matching and control PR when creating the display. This becomes problematic when you are selecting multiple parameters for a formula. What does one do if PR is selected for on parameter and not the other?

Since we also wanted a way to globally turn it off for all displays, we put it under the Projections menu (after discussions with SSEC about how to handle this).

I agree it's not ideal and am open to other suggestions on how to handle this.

Don Murray

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