Re: [netcdfgroup] release of version 4.2 of the netCDF Fortran libraries...

Karsten Bolding <karsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hello
> I'm having a problem building the new Fortran version.
> FC=ifort F77=ifort CPPFLAGS="-I /opt/netcdf4/include/" ./configure
> compiles but 'make check' fails during linking.
> FC=ifort F77=ifort CPPFLAGS="-I /opt/netcdf4/include/" LDFLAGS="-L 
> /opt/netcdf4/lib" ./configure
> checking size of float... 0
> checking size of double... 0
> checking size of off_t... configure: error: in
> `/data/bold/compile/netcdf-fortran-4.2':
> configure: error: cannot compute sizeof (off_t)
> See `config.log' for more details
> i.e. by adding LDFLAGS ./configure fails.
> Karsten

Howdy Karsten!

Probably you need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /opt/netcdf4/lib.

When using shared libraries, it's not enough to specify library location
in the LDFLAGS, you must also set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

The way to check is to look in your config.log file for the error
"cannot compute sizeof (off_t)", and there will be the error message
that caused the problem.


Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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