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Re: 20001221: Re: 20001219: ldm.h question on feedtypes (cont.)

Unidata Support wrote:
> ------- Forwarded Message
> >From: Gregory Grosshans <address@hidden>
> >Subject: Re: 20001219: ldm.h question on feedtypes
> >Organization: NOAA
> >Keywords: 200012211100.eBLB0ho07089 LDM feedtype
> You may already know this, but some of the 'type's and 'cat's
> originally defined by PRC for NOAAPORT data distribution as defined in
> the structure 'SEND_HDR' were never fully implemented into the
> operational NOAAPORT/AWIPS system.  The GOES-EAST/WEST, and
> NOAAPORT_OPT 'type's exist, but basically everything else is lumped
> into the NWSTG 'type' including NEXRAD data.  This afternoon I
> confirmed the lack of a 'type' NEXRAD in the NOAAPORT stream with PRC.
> In light of this information I've answered my original question to you,
> and actually check the WMO header for SDUS[4568] and assign it to
> NEXRAD.    Do you place any other WMO products into the NEXRAD
> feedtype?
> SDUS4i is RCM, ROB
> SDUS5i is radar products
> SDUS6i products to be centrally collected on the radar server but not
> sent on NOAAPORT
> SDUS8i is reserved for digital PCPN array data
> Thanks,
> Gregg
> ----information on send_prod_type and send_prod_cat follows---------
> #define PROD_TYPE_GOES_EAST 1   /* GOES East product type (stream) */
> #define PROD_TYPE_GOES_WEST 2   /* GOES West product type (stream) */
> #define PROD_TYPE_NOAAPORT_OPT 3 /* NOAAPORT Option product type (stream) */
> #define PROD_TYPE_NWSTG  4      /* NWSTG product type (stream) */
> #define PROD_TYPE_NEXRAD 5      /* NEXRAD product type */
> #define PROD_TYPE_RESERVE 6     /* Reserved (Alaska/HI/PR..) product type */
> #define PROD_TYPE_SAT_AK_HI_PR 6 /* Future (Alaska/HI/PR..) product type */
> #define PROD_TYPE_ASOS   7      /* ASOS product type */
> /* possible values for the send_prod_cat */
> #define PROD_CAT_TEXT 1         /* text product cat */
> #define PROD_CAT_GRAPHIC 2      /* graphic product cat */
> #define PROD_CAT_IMAGE 3        /* image product cat */
> #define PROD_CAT_GRID 4         /* grid data product cat */
> #define PROD_CAT_POINT 5        /* point data product cat */
> #define PROD_CAT_BINARY 6       /* binary product cat */
> #define PROD_CAT_OTHER 7        /* other product cat */
> ------- Forwarded Message
> >From: Gregory Grosshans <address@hidden>
> >Subject: Re: 20001219: ldm.h question on feedtypes
> >Organization: NOAA
> >Keywords: 200012211100.eBLB0go07087 LDM feedtype
> In the Unidata or Wisconsin code used to inject NOAAPORT data into LDM,
> are you using the send_prod_type and send_prod_cat information stored
> in 'type' and 'cat' respectively to simplify defining what feedtype to
> use?  Do you ever see a 'type' = 5, NEXRAD data?  Or is all of the
> SDUS5i products have a type = 4, NWSTG?
> Thanks,
> Gregg

Hi Gregg,

For the IDD network, when the data come in off the satellite, the SBN header
information is stripped off.  Our ingest software, pqing, uses just the product
header information to decide how to type the product.  So, we're not looking at
the 'type'.

We are putting SUDS5* under the feed type "NEXRAD".  The other NEXRAD products
that you mention, SDUS4*, SDUS6*, and SDUS8* are placed under our "HDS" feed
type.  We're constrained by the fact that  pqing was designed for the old FOS
stream.  Each invocation of pqing is for a particular feedtype, e.g HDS.  So, we
invoke pqing for HDS, but then we filter the SDUS5* products from that stream
into the NEXRAD feed type, leaving everything else under HDS.

We do have a local ingestor that does use the SBN header info to type products
into the new NOAAPORT feeds that we plan to move to in the future: NTEXT,
NIMAGE, NGRID, NGRAPH, NNEXRAD.  Regarding this ingestor, Steve Chiswell, who
wrote that software says, "You still have to check the WMO SDUS5i for NEXRAD
because NOAAPORT isn't providing a separate cat for it yet (even though the spec
reserves an ID for it).

Does this answer your questions? 

Anne Wilson                     UCAR Unidata Program            
address@hidden                 P.O. Box 3000
                                  Boulder, CO  80307
Unidata WWW server       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/