Last month we received the first version of AWIPS II which included the new unified grib decoder (13.1.2). The install procedure for 13.1.2 was more complicated than usual - we needed the full 13.1.1 installation plus a 13.1.2 "update" - so around 8 GB of RPMs to manage.
If you're unfamiliar with what the unified grib decoder is, here's a quick rundown: before 13.1.2, the D2D perspective (for WFOs) and the National Centers Perspective (for NCEP centers) required separate data decoders and database tables for grib messages. D2D used a decoder called grib, while NCP used a decoder called ncgrib. If you didn't want to bog down your system, you could only run one at a time, meaning: depending on your server configuration, gridded model data would only be visible in one perspective, not both.
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