In the forthcoming 18.1.1 AWIPS release:
- Inclusion of new AWIPS Hazards plugins for decision assistance (new product generation tools and hydro configurations to integrate with WarnGen and the Hydro perspective).
- New Space Weather Prediction Center plugins for Geomagnetic Data, Solar Imagery, Generic High Cadence Data, and Time Series displays).
- Unidata now has the source code to build 64-bit Hydro Applications (these Hydroapps were supplied as 32-bit binaries in the Vlab source code repositories, which were disabled in previous Unidata AWIPS releases).
- OGC and Data Delivery plugins will be made available in the 18.1.1 release as an optional add-on to a standard EDEX Data Server installation (two additional RPMs).
- OHD and Hydro Applications will also be made available as optional EDEX add-ons in the awips2-edex-dat and awips2-hydroapps RPMs.
- New roles/permissions framework.
- Database reconfiguration (moved from /awips2/data to /awips2/database/data, now with 'awipsadmin' ownership).
- Fix CAVE crash when starting GFE for non-activated site.
- Updates to allow dynamic contributions to the Volume Browser.
- Updates to the Qpid Broker and Localization REST configuration including Protected File status.
- New viz method IGLMesh for easier extensibility.
- Ability to handle derived parameter cubes at a single point.
- Search By Name has been added to the Localization Perspective.
- ADE updates for Eclipse 4.6.1.
- Geotools updated to 16.4.
- Cython updated to 0.28.3.
- httpd-pypies updated to 2.4.27.
- python-dateutil updated to 2.7.3.
- qpid-lib updated to 1.38.0.
- werkzeug updated to 0.14.1.
- yajsw updated to 12.09.