This guide is a walkthrough for deploying EDEX and CAVE on x86_64 Fedora Core 12 Linux. This guide follows the Unidata AWIPS II beta release built on the NCEP 14.2.1 branch of source code.
[Read More]Developer's Guide to AWIPS II on 64-bit Fedora
05 May 2014
This guide is a walkthrough for deploying EDEX and CAVE on x86_64 Fedora Core 12 Linux. This guide follows the Unidata AWIPS II beta release built on the NCEP 14.2.1 branch of source code.
[Read More]05 May 2014
Update on 13.2.1 Grib Decoder Threads
29 April 2013
Since the last update, which involved testing only the ingest and decoding of CONDUIT 0.5/2.5 degree GFS, I've opened up the NGRID and NEXRAD3 feeds, as well as text and satellite products from the WMO and NIMAGE feeds, respectively.
The goal is to compare the speed of the grid decoder on high-resolution CONDUIT GFS runs alone versus running in parallel with the full nationwide NEXRAD3 feed and other products.
[Read More]Testing 13.2.1 Unified Grib Decoder on CONDUIT GFS
22 April 2013
Last month we received the first version of AWIPS II which included the new unified grib decoder (13.1.2). The install procedure for 13.1.2 was more complicated than usual - we needed the full 13.1.1 installation plus a 13.1.2 "update" - so around 8 GB of RPMs to manage.
AWIPS2 at the 2011 Unidata Training Workshop
18 July 2011
Participants in the 2011 Unidata GEMPAK Training Workshop were the first class given the opportunity to test-drive CAVE (theCommon AWIPS Visualization Environment). The UPC was testing a single-server standalone EDEX installation providing data for twenty CAVE workstations simultaneously. Although AWIPS2/CAVE is a 32 bit Java application, the UPC continues testing stability and usability on 64 bit systems. This single-server/multiple-client AWIPS2 configuration shows promise for University computer lab settings.