We're getting there...
It seems clear that Quincey's original advice is good: use large, squarish chunks.
My former scheme of default chunk sizes worked not terribly for the
innermost dimensions (it used the full length of the dimension), but the
use of a chunksize of 1 for unlimited dimensions was a bad one for read
Here's some read numbers for chunksizes in what I believe is the correct range of chunksizes:
cs[0] cs[1] cs[2] cache(MB) deflate shuffle 1st_read_hor(us) avg_read_hor(us)
0 0 0 0.0 0 0 7087 1670
64 128 256 1.0 0 0 510 1549
128 128 256 1.0 0 0 401 1688
256 128 256 1.0 0 0 384 1679
64 128 256 1.0 1 0 330548 211382
128 128 256 1.0 1 0 618035 420617
Note that the last two are deflated versions of the data, and are 1000 times slower to read as a result.
The first line is the netCDF classic file. The non-deflated HDF5 files
easily beat the read performance of the classic file, probably because
the HDF5 files are in native endianness and the netCDF classic file has
to be converted from big-endian to little-endian for this platform.
What is odd is that the HDF5 files have a higher average read time than
their first read time. I don't get that. I expected that the first read
would always be the longest wait, but once you started, subsequent reads
would be faster. But not for these uncompressed HDF5 files. I am clearing the cache between each read.
Here's my timing code:
/* Read the data variable in horizontal slices. */
start[0] = 0;
start[1] = 0;
start[2] = 0;
count[0] = 1;
count[1] = LAT_LEN;
count[2] = LON_LEN;
/* Read (and time) the first one. */
if (gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL)) ERR;
if (nc_get_vara_float(ncid, varid, start, count, hor_data)) ERR_RET;
if (gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL)) ERR;
if (timeval_subtract(&diff_time, &end_time, &start_time)) ERR;
read_1_us = (int)diff_time.tv_sec * MILLION + (int)diff_time.tv_usec;
/* Read (and time) all the rest. */
if (gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL)) ERR;
for (start[0] = 1; start[0] < TIME_LEN; start[0]++)
if (nc_get_vara_float(ncid, varid, start, count, hor_data)) ERR_RET;
if (gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL)) ERR;
if (timeval_subtract(&diff_time, &end_time, &start_time)) ERR;
avg_read_us = ((int)diff_time.tv_sec * MILLION + (int)diff_time.tv_usec +
read_1_us) / TIME_LEN;