January 2011 Status Update: NAWIPS Migration to AWIPS II
31 December 2010
According to Michelle Mainelli, Chief of the Systems Integration
Branch of the National Weather Service's NCEP Central Operation, the
AWIPS II development group remains on schedule in the migration of the NAWIPS
software to the AWIPS II architecture.
"The NCEP AWIPS II Test Bed has been successfully
installed within our facility by Raytheon Technical Services," says
Mainelli. "We are in the process of installing and configuring the
software component including setting up the data flow to the system."
Read More]
Frequently Asked Questions
31 December 2010
Staff from the Unidata Program Center will be posting news articles,
job opportunities, software release information, and various other
announcements to the News@Unidata blog as the information becomes available.
Why a blog?
One of the goals of our web site redesign was to make it easier for
you to find current information about what's happening at the Unidata
Program Center and in the Unidata community. Our site is packed with
information — so packed, in fact, that sometimes the "news" can
get lost. We decided that publishing timely information in a central
blog would be a step towards making it easier for you to find the
most up-to-date information.
Additionally, publishing in a blog format lets us communicate with you
in other ways more easily. For example, if you're interested in news
about the Interactive Data Viewer, you can subscribe to an RSS feed
that delivers just IDV information. We've also integrated social networking
features into the blog, so community members can alert each other using
Facebook and Twitter.
So really, we're hoping that the News@Unidata blog will improve our
communication with you, our community. And don't worry — we're not
planning to share our guacamole recipes...
How do I find information?
The blog interface gives you a number of ways to filter the information
we publish here:
You can read everything as it is published. If you like reading
blogs, we'll be honored if you make News@Unidata a part of your routine.
That way you'll see news items as they're published.
You can browse the blog by category. Use the Browse By Topicbox
at the right of the screen to select the topic you're interested in
(notice that some categories, like "Software," have their own subcategories).
Clicking on the topic will display all posts in the category you select.
If you're viewing a post in a category that interests you, you can also
click on the icon at the upper right of the post itself to view the
posts from that category. Click "All Entries" to get back to seeing
You can search by tag. Tags are a bit more free-form than categories,
and while each post lives in a single category, authors can associate any
number of tags with their posts. The tag cloud in the Search by Tagbox at the right
of the screen gives you a sense of how many posts are tagged with a given
word. Click on a tag in the tag cloud to display all the posts with that tag.
You can search for a word or words. Enter your search term in theBlog Search at
the right of the screen to find posts that contain the term.
You can browse by date. The calendar at the right of the screen highlights
days when items were posted to the blog. Click on a date to see that day's posts.
Can I make comments?
Yes! One of the advantages of blog-style publishing is that it provides
an easy and familiar mechanism for readers to comment on the items posted.
We encourage you to chime in.
There are a couple of caveats, though:
Your comment won't show up instantly. We're going to be moderating
the comments to control spam and other dangers of the internet.
Not every topic will be open for comments. Items that are self-contained
and purely informational — the date for a seminar, say — might
be closed to comments.
Can I post an item?
Currently, we do not have a mechanism for you to post items (other than
comments) directly to the News@Unidata blog. But if you have an announcement
of an event or opportunity you'd like to share with the Unidata community,
we're happy to post it for you. Simply write to our community liaison.
Please provide a heading, an expiration date, and a URL that links to your announcement or opportunity.
How can I get updates?
You can subscribe to the entire News@Unidata blog via RSS/Atom. Whereas
previously only the monthly E-Letter and the Community Job Announcements
were syndicated, now all content published through the blog is available.
Simply click on the
at the upper left of the screen to subscribe to the full News@Unidata feed.
You don't need to subscribe to everything, though, if you don't want to.
Each of the categories in the Browse by Topic
list at the right of the
screen has its own news feed. Simply click on the icon for the category
you're interested in to receive that feed.
Where is the developer's blog?
That's an easy one. It's right here.
While there will be lots of software-specific information in the News@Unidata blog,
the developers' blog is a bit more personal and, well, geeky. Enjoy the posts
over there at your leisure.
Where is the monthly E-Letter?
Well, um...
With the launch of News@Unidata, we're planning to discontinue the monthly E-Letter.
It's had a good run, but the monthly publication schedule hasn't allowed us to deliver
information in as timely a way as we'd like.
We're working on making the archives of the E-Letter searchable from within the
News@Unidata blog, though. Stay tuned.
Something isn't working! Who do I tell?
If you notice something about the blogs, or the Unidata web site in general,
that isn't working the way you think it should. Drop us a line at plaza@unidata.ucar.edu. Feel free to
send blog and web site suggestions to the same address. Thanks!
Wait. You didn't answer my question.
Posted by Unidata News
Filed under:
UDUNITS version 2.1.20
19 December 2010
Version 2.1.20 of the UDUNITS package was released on December 20, 2010. This version is
recommended for all users. The latest update can be downloaded at https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/udunits.
Version 2.1.20 incorporates the following changes:
- Added 'fahrenheit' as an alias for 'degrees fahrenheit'.
- Added hyperlinks from HTML documentation to XML files of the
units database.