The Unidata THREDDS Development Team is happy to announce that the THREDDS Data Servern (TDS) version 5.0.0-beta7 was released on July 29th, 2019.
[Read More]THREDDS Data Server version 5.0.0-beta7 Released
29 July 2019
The Unidata THREDDS Development Team is happy to announce that the THREDDS Data Servern (TDS) version 5.0.0-beta7 was released on July 29th, 2019.
[Read More]NetCDF-Java library version 5.0.0 Released
29 July 2019
The Unidata THREDDS Development Team is happy to announce that the netCDF-Java/Common Data Model (CDM) library version 5.0.0 was released on July 29th, 2019.
[Read More]NetCDF-Java library and TDS version 4.6.14 Released
29 July 2019
The Unidata THREDDS Development Team is happy to announce that the netCDF-Java/Common Data Model (CDM) library and THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 4.6.14 were released on July 29th, 2019.
[Read More]Unidata Program Center Welcomes Zach Bruick
26 July 2019
Zach Bruick joined the Unidata Program Center (UPC) team on June 3, 2019 as a Software Engineer. After finishing his Master's degree in Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University in May, he has jumped in to apply his talents to Unidata's mix of science, software development, and training activities.
Zach earned a Bachelor's degree in Meteorology — along with a major in Geography and a minor in Mathematics — from Valparaiso University before heading to Colorado State. He first encountered Unidata while working with GEMPAK and the LDM as part of Valparaiso's undergraduate meteorology curriculum, and he's been immersed in the scientific Python ecosystem since his Junior year. In addition to his university coursework, Zach has honed his scientific skills through student research and internship positions with NASA and NOAA.
[Read More]Physical Scientist, Environmental Modeling Center
25 July 2019
NOAA is searching for a Physical Scientist (Development) to work at the National Weather Service (NWS), National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) in College Park, MD.
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